i hope this breaks your heart

by chickpea 40 Replies latest social family

  • BlackPearl

    Chickpea, Thanks for your insights on FTM. I wonder how societies have handled this for thousands of years? Since no medical treatment was available even 100 years ago, how did FTM's or MTF's deal with their dilemma? Is it because a medical transition makes it possible to "rearrange" things that this has become more prevalent? Let's see...how do I say this? OK, is FTM more prevalent because there are ways now to address it, whereas there weren't a few decades ago? I noticed in the video that most of the afflicted were very young, how do we explain this? Is our society producing this? I just don't know...but it would seem that this should afflict people of all age groups. Sorry if this does not hold the content in paragraph form, I just started using Apple's Safari browser to try it out. BP

  • Tara

    It does break my heart as it is very sad. I have a cousin who was born a male and went through the process/surgery to become a female back in the very early 80's. You and your son are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • chickpea


    this video was produced by a teen TG....(TG=transgender)
    she (MTF) sent out a video request on youtube
    for people to do just exactly what they did

    my son got the link from another TG teen
    and has since added it to his myspace acct....

    the relatively small numbers of TGs ( i cannot find stats re: the prevalence of transgenderism)
    means they are going to overlap on the various support sites....
    not unlike exjw's

    TG/TS (TS=transexual) people are in every age group
    i am a member on 2 sites that have TG/TS members in their 70'
    all the way to teens.....

    TGs have been around as long as humanity......
    they are politically and socially aligned with other groups
    as sexual minorities........
    what used to be LGBT has expanded to LGBTQQA.....
    lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, queer, questioning, allies

    from wiki

    In Thailand and Laos, [55] the term kathoey is used to refer to male-to-female transgender people [56] and effeminategay men. [57] The cultures of the Indian subcontinent include a third gender, referred to as hijra [58] in Hindi. Transgender people also have been documented in Iran, [59] Japan, [60] Nepal, [61] Indonesia, [62] Vietnam, [63] South Korea, [64] Singapore, [65] and the greater Chinese region, including Hong Kong, [66] [67] Taiwan, [68] and the People's Republic of China. [69] [70] [71]

    [edit] North America

    In what is now the United States and Canada, many Native American and Canadian First Nations peoples recognised [72] the existence of more than two genders, such as the Zuñi male-bodied La'mana, [73] the Lakota male-bodied winkte [74] and the Mohave male-bodied alyhaa and female-bodied hwamee. [75] Such people were previously [76] referred to as berdache but are now referred to as Two-Spirit, [77] and their spouses would not necessarily have been regarded as gender-different. [75] In Mexico, the Zapotec culture includes a third gender in the form of the Muxe. [78]

    [edit] Other

    In early Medina, gender-variant [79] male-to-female Islamic people were acknowledged [80] in the form of the Mukhannathun. In Ancient Rome, the Gallae were castrated [81] followers of the Phrygian goddess Cybele and can be regarded as transgender in today's terms. [82] [83]

    Among the ancient Middle Eastern Akkadian people, a salzikrum was a person who appeared biologically female but had distinct male traits. Salzikrum is a compound word meaning male daughter. According to the Code of Hammurabi, salzikrum had inheritance rights like that of priestesses; they inherited from their fathers, unlike regular daughters. A salzikrum's father could also stipulate that she inherit a certain amount. [84]

  • Devilsnok

    Here's a link about some new research into FTM transexuality, it basically confirms that there is a genetic factor to the behaviour.


    I used to believe that MTF transexuals were just attention seekers and that society was just pandering to their stupid attempts to get attention by backing up their claims that they were stuck in the wrong bodies. However its reserarch like the above and actually meeting a FTM transexual that have changed my mind. Things are changing, people are beginning to lose that ignorance surrounding transexuals just as society is becoming more accepting of same sex relationships. It wil take time but those younger up and coming generations are a lot more liberal minded than yours. Your daughter / son will live in a much more tolerating society than the one we grew up in.

    I wish your child all the best, its not all bad out there!

  • anewme

    Humans can be unspeakably cruel. It is the exceptional human being who can see another's point of view or put himself or herself in another person's shoes and have compassion.

    Thank you Chickpea for your loving insight into the plight of those transgendered.

    I will remember this lesson


  • mind my own
    mind my own

    This does break my heart Chickpea!! I think most people react the way they do b/c they don't know enough about it, they dont' have enough education on the matter therefore they may act out in an undesireable way. Let us help by spreading the word. No one deserves to feel this way!

    My thoughts are with you and yours. Please give a hug to your child for me...


  • BlackPearl

    Chickpea, Thanks for sharing the Wiki comments. Even though I don't go to meetings any more, I do still consider myself as a Christian, so I pondered this thought... While en-route from city to city Jesus would preach the Kingdom and heal the sick and afflicted. He healed the man with Leprosy and others with physical afflictions as we can attest from reading the scriptures. I wonder though.... what would Jesus have done had he come upon one afflicted with FTM or MTF? How would he have handled that? Of course he would be inclined to cure anyone with an affliction, as we have evidence of this. I am compelled to contemplate the scene as it was in the setting of ancient Israel.... He approaches the man and asks, "What is your affliction young man and how can I help?" The young man replies, "I have a condition called MTF." "Oh, and what is that?" Jesus asks. The young man says, "I feel like a woman inside my body, but my outside is that of a male, can you help me?" he says. Jesus says, "You were arranged as a male in the womb and born as a male, with the external features of a male, but yet you feel like a woman on the inside?" Says Jesus. "Yes", says the young man. "This is very perplexing" says Jesus. "Why", says the young man. "Well", says Jesus, "I have good news and I have bad news about your affliction." "Really", says the young man. "Yes" says Jesus. "The good news is that you're going remain a man because that is how you were formed" Jesus says. "And the bad news?" says the young man. "You're going to have to learn to work with your affliction, not even I can cure a request for a change in gender, it would go against the natural order of creation. Jehovah and I created you the way you are?" Says Jesus. I hope this does appear to be offensive, it's just the way I see it. BP

  • chickpea

    the bad news is 31% of transgendered people find life so unbearable they choose to die at their own hand

    the good news is that there is scientific and medical research and discovery that can alleviate their pain

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    NPR did several interesting stories on this subject recently. Here's a link to one of them. (Can't hyperlink because I'm on a Mac.)


  • BlackPearl

    chickpea, I hope all goes well for you and your son, who wants to be your daughter? Anyhow, I hope it all works out. I don't mean to be offensive, I guess I just don't understand. A question of curiosity though...since your son wants to be a woman, does he wish to have sex with a man as a woman? Is there a driving force there that suggests he wants to have sex with men but only as a woman? If so, is there any distant connection with wanting to be gay but not as a man, rather as a woman? So he can justify having sex with men? Again, I don't know, just exploring possibilities. BP

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