Baby is here! Photos attached!

by LDH 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    Congrats, Lisa! What an angel! Can you see your toes now?


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • LDH

    April, I have on regular sweats. Does that count?

    Waiting, I'm sorry--I thought the caption of "Baby Julius" would come up--so sorry.

    Little Julius is a boy.

    As an afterthought, the guy who made the comment about a black man having a white son is my girlfriend's husband. He has four girls and no boys. He is surely jealous. What a fool.

    Hubby is a changed man, he is obsessed with his son. They are fascinated each with the other.


  • joelbear


    He's adorable. He looks very attentive for a newborn, probably means he's smart.

    As far as comments.

    How bout.

    Well, if you had to change him, you'd know he was part black!!!

    Well, we named him Julius, hoping he would turn orange.



  • mommy

    Haha typical responses. I suggest you nip it in the bud by bringing the subject up yourself. Take someone off to the side and say, "You know I am really worried, I am concerned he may not be the father." or how about, "Good thing we live in Cali this boy needs some SUN!"

    Hehe no matter what, people are gonna think what they want to anyway I just can't get over how perfect his face is! Man what a doll.

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • Tatiana

    Oh, man, Lisa, do the race comments bring back memories!!! My ex was black and all my children are different colors. No one is the same. I remember getting comments from my ex's mom--"Oh, I'm sure he'll get darker!" Which he didn't!!! And from my mom--"Why is he so dark??"

    And other comments, like, "Why is his hair straight and his curly??"
    Who gives a rat's ass??? They all had 10 fingers-10 toes-perfect in every way! That's all I ever cared about. The first question I asked the doctors when they were born was--"Are they okay? Are they healthy?" Not--"What color are they?"

    I just laugh at people now who ask if I adopted![8>]

    Well, we named him Julius, hoping he would turn orange.
    Cute, Joel!!!


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Bridgette

    AAAAARRRRGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I'm jealous!!

    still preggers in Denver,

    p.s. oh, congratulations, to you and hubby both, LDH--Beautiful baby. Hey, I thought you guys were black? HAHAHAHA!! I'm just kidding! *referring tastelessly to your above post*.

  • Xena

    That is one beautiful baby!!! Congradulations to you all...and I am with Andee almost makes me want another....ALMOST

  • Nannygoat
    "You know I am really worried, I am concerned he may not be the father." or how about, "Good thing we live in Cali this boy needs some SUN!"

    Hahahaha! Ah...mommy. I knew I loved ya!


  • joelbear

    Its not just interracial babies that differ in looks and skin tone.

    My brother is dark skinned 5 foot 8 with brown eyes and black hair.

    I am light skinned 6 2 with green eyes and red hair.

    I've always thought kids of mixed race were adorable, we had several in our old hall.

    My best friend dated a black witness sister all through our teen years. We often went out with her and her younger sister so it looked liked two white boys with two black girls dating. 1974, Valdosta Georgia, County Fair, talk about pressure.

    His parents were freaked, my parents were freaked. One would hope times have changed a bit in 27 years. Hopefully, it has changed some.

    Julius is a cool name. In 9th grade, we were bussed to the black side of Valdosta for school. Most of my friends got beat up a lot but I made friends with the black kids because they could tell I didn't look down on them. I was always teasing with them and they were always teasing with me. They gave me the nickname Duck because of the way I ran in PE (could've been worse). Several of them took me on to protect when things got ugly between the blacks and whites at school. One of my benefactors was named Julius.

    I used to go up to him and point at girls at say "Julius, Seize her!!!" but he never got the joke.


  • LDH

    Ha ha, Joel. You are too damn much.

    Those retorts are perfect!

    And yes, Julius has straight hair. [8>]

    It's amazing people can't just be happy for ya, and gotta say all kinds of shit, huh? I wouldn't have cared if he looked like a lump of charcoal, he's healthy and I ain't preggers no more. what could be better?


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