I'm so down...my birthday is tomorrow and...

by FreedomFrog 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreedomFrog

    Jaguarbass, I think you nailed it. I became very angry at the JW's all of the sudden this morning. I haven't been angry like this since I came out. My anger stems from not being encouraged (but rather very discouraged) from going to college and to "rely on Jehoba".

    I remember my parents saying that I will probably not graduate from high school because the big A would come before then...guess what...I'm now in college with 2 kids. I regret that I didn't push the college thing...especially when I got married at a freakin early age only to get divorced when I should have been encouraged to go to college. Oh well, it is what it is.

    **ok, calm down Gina...it's just the moment**

  • jamiebowers

    Once when I'd only been out for a few years and just moved to a new city and lived alone, I bought myself a little birthday cake and candles. I lit the candles and just cried and cried, because I felt so alone. I had few friends, my mom and brother were jws, and even my "worldly" father forgot my birthday, oh, and I was broke all of the time. I'll never forget that day, and that's why I do my best to make sure everyone I know is remembered on their birthday.

    Don't feel too bad honey. This happens to most of us exjws and even some "worldly" people too. Every time something really shitty happens, I just keep repeating to myself, "It won't be like this forever." And things won't be tough for you forever either. Once you are out of school and working at a good job, you will have a better life for you and your kids. You will also have a chance to meet and make friends with a wide circle of people. In the meantime, drinks lots of water and use lots of lotion on those hands. When wrinkles develop, it means you've learned a life lesson well. Happy Birthday, sweetie!

    And please do let us know what types of books you are interested in. I have a few around that I would be happy to send to you too. I just knew John Doe was an old softy!

  • megs

    Speaking as a worldy... My birthday this year was depressing too... Actually, I was in Bible Study at the time, and I thought the whole not celebrating birthdays seemed pretty good... I don't want any more birthdays

    This too shall pass!

  • FreedomFrog


    Happy Birthday

    I'm in Ohio too

    PM me

    Maybe we can help you out

    Or maybe just cheer you up

    She's not close to our part of Ohio, but if you and your wife get anything going to help out or cheer her up. please let me know, because I want in too!


    Thank you very much...actually, by just posting what you've posted and wanting to cheer me up has in fact cheered me up. Now, anymore ideas on how to get those annoying wrinkles off your forehead? LOL

    Though, I like the way jamiebowers think..."When wrinkles develop, it means you've learned a life lesson well." I've learn many life lessons then...heehee

  • willyloman

    OK, so here's the ficus. Hope it's what you wanted!

    My daughter, 36, just graduated from college, the delay caused by JW-restricted youth (my fault). There is life after the Watchtower. When you aren't so swamped with school and the kids get a little bigger, you will have time to make some friends and I see a very happy birthday in your future!

    Meanwhile: Happy Birthday!

  • Hortensia

    well, as far as getting older goes, it's better than the alternative! You're just tired, overworked and lonely. What you need is a good rest, but you have stuff to accomplish first. Hang in there, your class is almost over and you'll be so glad. Just get up, put on some loud music, do a little boogie in front of the mirror, shake your booty until you're tired. Then get back to work!!!

  • crazyblondeb


    Just step back and breathe!!!

    I'm dealing with the "getting old".....you are not quite there yet.

    You're prob stressed, over-worked, not enought sleep, not eating good!!

    Just breathe, and look in your kids eyes!!

    Your day will be great!!

    Wish you were a little closer!! We'd do your birthday right!!



  • Snoozy

    Happy Birthday Freedom Frog...I don't know you but I am so glad you are doing something with your life.

    You should be proud of yourself and what you are going through is just a small price to pay for the many wonderful things ahead for you!...

    At least the JW's had that right..keep your eyes on the prize!...

    And Happy Birthday to Hubert...another leo! (Me Aug. 1)


  • StAnn


    Happy Birthday to You

    Happy Birthday to You

    Happy Birthday, Little Froggy

    Happy Birthday to You!

    And if it makes you feel any better, I turned 45 last week and have age spots on my hands, so I'm envying you "just" having wrinkles on your hands!

    Are you in my part of Ohio (SW)? I'll bring you some books, too! And a big ol' margarita!


  • Quandry

    After this Algebra course the college won't be so tough and things can get back to being a bit easier.

    No wonder you are feeling down. Algebra!! That is a tough one!!!! You will feel relief when that is over. I took Algebra a few semesters back. I am 56-I wanted to run away screaming before each class, but stuck with it and made a B.

    You can be very proud of your accomplishments. They are worth everything you are putting into them.

    When you are through with school, you will have self-esteem and a higher paying job.

    So sorry mom is not able to get off the JW high-horse. I know inside she will be proud of you when you get your degree. What will it be in?

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