Next step- I said goodbye to my best friend- and she was terrified of me!

by New light for you 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    If this story and every one just like it can't make people see what a truly evil cult the wt is I don't know what will. I'm so sorry you are going through this for simply using your God given brain! damn cult.

  • oompa
    lisavegas: This kinda pisses me off. What kind of person does she think you'll be.? You are the same person as before.

    I don't think so freedoms and new insights can change we can grow....and my conscience is differernt now. I know for some here on JWD the intense freedom opened us up in ways we never imagined.

    Glad you did this noolite......take time to mention how weird it is that this faith is so you cant believe something...why would they have to shun you???......oompa

  • Switch

    Dang, New Light. We really are having the same kind of week, aren't we? I find it very important to let people know where I stand too. Otherwise, they'll be under the impression that you've left for frivolous reasons or are just "dragged down by this system" rubbish. It's hard to say goodbye but a tiny, tiny part is glad that I did. and I'm sure I'll feel even better about it as time passes and the wounds aren't so fresh.

    take care.


  • KW13

    i'm sure thats very upsetting for you, but at least if anything she will remember what you did and how you did it. the witnesses make this such a complicated process, and they make it your fault (not out of evil usually but by brainwashing and confusion, an awful conflict. everlasting life or a nice friendship...oh the choice).

    maybe how you behaved will help her leave one day, it might put her mind at ease that a kind person is waiting on the outside for her, that is sometimes enough to help someone leave and make that process a positive one.

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    thank you all... i just had a beer and some cookies.. that should help all!!!!

    I tried to leave it as "open" but in reality, i KNOW if i'm having xmas, birthday etc... it means its over and we cant be friends period. I told her i was upset that after 20years of my life, people want me to know EXACTLY where i stand in ONE MONTH!! I told her i havn't made any decisions yet, there wasn't enough time... she triend to pull the "where would you go? who would offer hope in these horrible days for the children" routine...

    She just was working herself up for no reason.. it has to end, i just wanted it to be gently and humaine.

    I need more drink....

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Reposting my post # 765...

    My instincts are such... right now... i want to go to the meeting and immediately say.. " i do NOT believe in the society or the faithful and discreet slave. i do not beieve this is the true religion. I am willing to walk away- i have no interst in bringing anyone down, and if i'm out of site, they will have no desire to contact me. How come i think you will find it necessary to throw me out?

    THAT is all i want to say. I can then say "i hear the kids calling me" or somehting... and let them answer husband. I CANT LIE. Husband said that he could say "I believe in the faithful and discreet slave, but we're discouraged". .. what CRAP!! If I"m MAD cuz they SO lied to me, how dare i return with a lie? i'm better than them!!!!!

    ANyway, I'm sure to go to hell if i were to say that... right? what would be my consequences? any elders out there?

    This is exactly what I did and I was announced DA'd 6 weeks later - similar to CL's experience. I didn't say "I no longer want to be a JW", but I did say I don't believe in the FDS 1914, etc....

    Or you could tell them you spoke with a bonafide apostate like me on the phone and enjoyed it. That's grounds for DF right there...

    I'm not sure what Robert7 's plans are. But you will not miss anything or any "friends" by leaving. You have each other. Go ahead.. DA.. get it over with, and start living the real life. There are 6 Billion + people on the earth. If 6 million don't talk to you, no biggie... it's their loss.

    Even if you fade and still talk to your friends, the friendship will never be the same.

    Friend: "The DC was awesome... I love the new light and the new books!"

    NL4U: "Uh yeah great. Wanna come to my daughter's B-day party?"

    I rest my case.


    Now you see what I meant...

    You have new friends now... make the most of it...

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    wow A@G!

    I am impressed by your thorough research! yes, i did post that! wow. that was in my angry stage.. i think i'm in the 'acceptance' stage somewhat... i realized what it is is that... i dont want my last feeling i get to feel with my friends to be anger, fear, hatred, spite.... i want my last feeling to be love before i never see them again. Or at least never see them again the same way.

    Anyone watch 'House"? I realized that idea was in the last episode of last season, shes dying, he says "why aren't you angry? " and she says "i dont want anger to be the last feeling i get to feel".... i thought that was quite profound... at least for TV.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Wow. Good going. That took some moxie.

    I have a JW best friend that still talks to me because I have faded and don't
    get too critical. Sooner or later, I will lose his friendship. Your friend defied
    her programming as best she could to let you in, she knows you are not
    evil or the spawn of Satan. You probably did a world of good, regardless of
    the outcome.

    Strength and peace to you.

  • dawg

    Good job new light... good luck. Now you can find new friends that have brains (sorry if that's harsh, but it's true isn't it?)

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    she says "i dont want anger to be the last feeling i get to feel"....

    Remember, you don't have to shun them.. they can shun you all they want... I still call people who are shunning me, and send them emails... I say, they want to shun me, they need to work hard to do it.

    It doesn't have to be goodbye... call them every once in a while...


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