To Mrsjones5, Freudianslip, snowbird and other folks of color

by donny 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snowbird

    Yeah, McD, I recall their lambasting the Catholic Church for teaching that the Hamitic people were cursed with blackness.



  • Mary
    Lady Zombie said: In all fairness, all of society, not just the WT, held prejudiced and bigoted ideals and not only was is acceptable, it was encouraged.

    You're absolutely right, LZ, that was the general attitude back then. However, that begs the question as to why God's Chosen Ones didn't have a different attitude than that of "Christendom". Had Charles Russell made a comment about "how there is neither Jew nor Greek" (or in the modern sense, 'their is neither black nor white), amongst the brethren, then that would have been something to look back on with pride. It wouldn't have been a popular statement to make, buy hey-----the founder of Christianity made all kinds of unpopular statements.

    And yes donny, you're going straight to Hell in a handbag.

  • snowbird

    Mary, I bow before thee!


  • MsMcDucket

    That's one reason that I don't want to have crap to do with religion. "God's only going to save White people."

  • Confession

    I especially get a kick out of how it just seemed so obvious to the writer that a whiter complected skin would be the most desirable. The color the poor Ethiopians would, of course, want if the good Lord would only remove the curse of their "blackness." Of course it sort of reminds me of something one of my fellow elders, who happened to be black, tried to do when I was in.

    He was suggesting we have a talk with one male publisher, a white man, who--similar to so many of our black brothers--had decided to cut his hair very, very short. In fact there was just a bit of stubble left. This elder was speaking as if it was just so terrible, so ugly. None of the others--both black and white alike--thought there was a problem with it. (At least not so much that it would make sense to "counsel" him on it.) The aforementioned elder said the following, his voice rising in intensity as he spoke...

    "When he got here the other night and took his hat off...his head was almost ALL WHITE!!!"

    Later I asked him why he didn't feel the same way about the three or four black brothers who had a similar hairstyle. He suggested something to the effect that a black head was more aesthetically acceptable than a white head.

    Oh really?

  • donny
    And yes donny, you're going straight to Hell in a handbag

    I don't mind going to hell, but I detest going in a handbag!

  • Hortensia

    Makes me think of a bizarre statement in a recent "National Geographic" which said that there was no racism in ancient Egypt. Yeah, right. Given the chance, people have always used race or religion or some other way of differentiating people in order to mistreat groups of people. Racism is and always has been pretty common. I think actually that there is more awareness in the world now than ever before of racism, even if change is slow. People mistreat others for power or exploitation or financial gain or god's approval. It all sucks. And if you think I haven't experienced prejudice myself, I am a short, fat white woman and in high school I was one of only three or four white people in a school that was attended mostly by black students. I can't tell how many times black students would look at me and say "you white people" as if I were responsible for every wicked thing white people have ever done. Are any of us free from prejudice? Probably not, although I think many people try to examine themselves so they become more aware of their prejudices and the damage it does.

    that is my rant. Thank you for listening. As far as prejudice is concerned, I personally believe that people who carry on loud conversations on a cell phone, about their personal lives, in public, should be shot. I hate being forced to listen to the sordid details of someone's messed up life.

  • mrsjones5
    I personally believe that people who carry on loud conversations on a cell phone, about their personal lives, in public, should be shot. I hate being forced to listen to the sordid details of someone's messed up life.

    lol, With a watergun, which will stop the offending conversation and totally f-up their phone.

  • snowbird
    that is my rant. Thank you for listening. As far as prejudice is concerned, I personally believe that people who carry on loud conversations on a cell phone, about their personal lives, in public, should be shot. I hate being forced to listen to the sordid details of someone's messed up life.

    Amen x3!!!


  • donny

    But no one has answered my question.

    What is puzzling though, is why did Michael Jackson dissassociate himself just before reaching perfection?

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