Just got my copy of "Crisis of Conscience"

by JimmyPage 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • LockedChaos

    Both book by Ray Franz
    are must reads

    For me they were the two
    that made me rethink my
    loss of faith

    I also e-mailed Ray
    He has to be one of the
    most humble person that I
    ever made my acquaintance with
    Very helpful person

    Something alse that has been
    helpful to me was to read
    the many articles on Freeminds.org

    Continue to research
    and think

  • flipper

    Jimmy- Yeah those were the 2 big books I read in the last few years that really helped me as well ! I read " Crisis of Conscience " first though , as I found out about it first ; it basically answered questions and confirmed what I suspected already about the organization. But " Combatting Cult Mind Control " really helped me see how I could have been duped frpm birth , even being raised in it and brought up in it ! I am trying to employ Hassan's techniques to eventually reach out to my 2 adult witness daughters ! It will just take time. Glad you are enjoying the books ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • independent_tre

    I'm 3/4 of the way through it and this is the best thing that any jw, fader, or ex-jw can read. I cannot state how insightful this book is and how everyone really needs to understand what goes on behind closed doors and reexamine whether you are serving God or an organization. I just got to the part about the doctrine of Christ not being everyones mediator and am still in shock. His book really touches my heart because it really relies heavily on the scriptures to explain why what jw's practice and teach is NOT scripturally based.

    Next I'll read In Search of Christian Freedom or the book about cult mind control since so many recommend this also.

  • DanTheMan

    Great book. Reading it was life-changing for me.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Since I was in Bethel in 1989, I knew most of the GB and other's mentioned in Franz's books... it made his books both credible and readable... I couldn't put them down!

    ISoCF helped me to get over the fear of celebrating birthdays, accepting blood, and voting, etc... I tore up my blood card the same day!

    I'm moving on to non-JW literature... critical of religion and the Bible... Essential for destroying your faith in the flying spaghetti monster and man-made religions.

  • jaguarbass

    I like both of Franz's books. But what did it for me was January 1, 1976. And having been a witness in the 60's and 70's.

  • runningonfaith

    I went to the library and got "CoC".Read it in no time.So far that's THE big one for me.

    I bought "in search of christian freedom" rigth away,thinking i would do the same but i have had a hard time reading it.

    I was (am) so emotionally sick, that only now ,after maybe a couple of months, i'm starting to look into it.

    CoC confirmed some things that i was already thinking and just got to me when it told what goes at the top of the wt.

    rock on JP

  • almostbitten

    May I suggest a book for non-JWs to read that will give outsiders some insight into the JW/WTS mindset and history? It's called "Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses" by M. James Penton (easily available at Amazon.com). It was published in the 80's but when I read it earlier this year, I was freaked out because some of the stuff he mentioned confirmed some suspicions I had about things my JW teacher was telling me. This information is two decades old, yet the WTS has changed very little!

    According to the inside of the dust cover, Mr. Penton, a Canadian, was disfellowshipped in 1981 and was a fourth generation JW. At the time his book came out, he was a Professor of History and Religious Studies at the University of Lethbridge ( I know they must have hated him for that). What's more, this man wrote a book before this one that defended JW beliefs and doctrines, but they crawled him for that!

  • smiddy

    I would add Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron to that list, it hones in on the very cornerstone of witness dogma and doesn`t let go.A very easy read,and cheap $7 to download from lulu,up to date too 2008,in fact I would put this at the top of the list for "must read"publications on Jehovah`s Witnesses


  • JimmyPage

    Okay so we add to the list "In Search Of Christian Freedom", "Apocalypse Delayed", "The Subtle Power Of Spiritual Abuse", and "Captives Of A Concept". Thanks! Anyone want to add another?

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