your hatred will destroy you

by Solace1998 174 Replies latest members adult

  • Solace1998

    yes yes, continue with the productive discussion.

    your amazing large smileys surely prove your intelligence.

    thank you so much for proving them right :rolleyes:

  • Hope4Others

    I feel bad saying this, but you know how many people have been chased away from this board lately?

    The newer ones really have a time fitting in at first, I hope we can let up a bit and let them get use to how we really are.

    Great people!


    By the way I love

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Care to show me where I'm "bitching and moaning?" If you can't, which group do you mean by "the rest of you," since I'm obviously not in the first group? Now, your words indicate "the rest of you posting on this forum," but since I'm not a mind reader and can only read what you post, did you mean something other than what you posted?

  • Solace1998

    yes, certainly wonderful people.

    this makes visiting the kingdom hall for the first time in 2 years being disfellowshipped seem inviting.

    thats pretty extreme.

  • Hope4Others

    Jesus John....Go to your room...

  • Solace1998

    i wasnt speaking to you directly.

  • Solace1998

    no, let him stay. Why should this representation of your group be hindered?

    yes, perhaps i have shown some lack of tact in my questions -- maybe some signs that i am on the fence, trying to figure out what is right for me, and what is really the "truth" of the truth.

    but insults, assumptions, and outright lies?

    nah, not my style.

  • BabaYaga

    Solace... examine your resistance.

    Step back... and watch it from afar. What do you see? Why are you resisting? Why do you feel wronged? What is it that you really want or need, when you ask for "proof" and "eye witnesses"?

    Blessings to you on your journey.


  • Solace1998

    I need exactly that.

    some semblance of proof.

    my experience as a witness has only been positive. although i left for moral reasons, i wouldnt hinder anyone that wanted to stay in it.

    now that one of my good friends is d'fed and talks to me, i want to know if this organization is as messed up as you all say it is.

    and i need concrete proof of this to show her.

    not some flimsy psuedo evidence.

    for instance, in one other thread here, i asked for more evidence - some sort of video, something!!! And yes, i was mocked, insulted, questioned (poor me)

    but EVENTUALLY someone showed something MORE.

    that now, is part of my proof.

    part of my ammunition.

    is it really THAT hard to show some proof without belittling someone for having been drawn into an organization that you all FREELY admit is a mind controlling cult???!

    seriously now.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Should I bring a paddle?

    I'm not going to spank you if you're going to enjoy it. What kind of punishment would that be? Compound dissident

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