Do you hate elders and ex-elders?

by nvrgnbk 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Do you think they all ended up being elders because they were ambitious and loved to exercise authority over others?

    Or do you realize that each elder has his own story and that some became elders under great pressure?

    Do you really think that all of the elders enjoyed participating in judicial committees?

    Do you understand that some suffered or are suffering great anxiety about that, but they really believed it was Jehovah's arrangement so they did they best they could with what they knew?

    If you disagree with an ex-elder or see some character defect in him, do you assume that it's because he was once an elder?

    What about the elders that left the organization because they realized that it wasn't what it said it was?

    What if they've helped others out of the religion?

    Hate them too?

  • Sparkplug

    Not at all! I think they are just fine. Same as us they have ways of thinking to overcome and hurt. It is comforting to know that some get out and actually thought about some of these thing that happened while they happened. It also is of great help to know that some are out and can explain the other side to us.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Do I hate them on the basis that they are/were an elder? No. I think that position may attract people of that disposition. But other than that, a&%holes are plentiful in any shape or form

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Used to have a friend when I was a JW who I used to talk to if I ever had any problems. Very tuned in bloke. Very helpful and understanding and we got on well.

    He was made an elder and gradually became useless in his ability to help. He became distant and stopped voicing his honest opinion on things. Started to talk like an elder in the end, but then, I suppose, he really was an elder.

    That transformation shows me that these people can be fine, up until they get appointed. Then the society fills their head with ‘bull shy’, and moulds them into people that innately are not.

    I got angry with him sometimes because of how he changed and then just stopped talking things through with him. Sad thing is he pushed himself too far and ended up getting D’fd. He was a nice chap…

  • *summer*

    Especially after reading C of C, I believe that elders and ex-elders should be taken as individuals.

    Putting them all in the same bag and under the same label would be very unfair.

  • frankiespeakin

    I was once an elder and under the influence of WT propaganda mind control,, so if anything I have a live and let live feeling towards them,, I have my fault that I'm at peace with and recognize,, I see it as human nature under certain stresses responding a certain way according to family backround, and indoctrination. So I don't hold any resentment,,except maybe the GB and higher ups,, but it certainly don't occupy my time thinking about it any more like i first did when I found out i was duped.

  • Finally-Free

    Hate is too strong an emotion, and too self destructive. I try to avoid hating anyone. There are some individuals that were elders that I have no respect for. I also knew other elders that were sincere and wanted to make a difference. Some burned out from overwork and some eventually left the cult.


  • blondie

    I'm married to an ex-elder and I love him dearly.

  • chickpea

    none that i knew did i hate....
    in fact, there are those who,
    if they could ever glimpse the world
    beyond the fog of JWdum(b),
    would be great chaps to have around

    but i got sick unto death of their
    "eldering" as if there was nothing
    else in the world to focus on....

    case in point
    had one come to my HOME
    while i was doing a one-woman
    remodel, including building closets!
    to tell me that missing the sunday mtgs
    was a sin!!!

    what a d0uche! he had sisters
    cooking and cleaning and mending
    for him as he was a widower...
    he lived for nominal rent in a
    house owned by congro members.....

    god forbid he show up to offer real help....

  • minimus

    Great question. Some on this board would rail against you simply because you were at one time an elder and therefore hated. Very stupid.

    Those that hate others because they were at one time a JW elder should get their own heads checked. At one time they too believed in the elder system and everything that went with it.

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