What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?

by Gill 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat
    Jgnat - Are you willing to risk your life on that?

    Absolutely. Our neurotic society has lost sight of the real hazards that accompany long life. At my age, the highest risks are diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions, and cancer. The number one activity I could do to extend my life is to exercise regularly. Especially walking.

    When I was younger, it was to "drive safely".

    Are you doing the most critical activities to extend your life?


    As for George Bush, it boggles my mind that he was voted in a second time. Why? I saw some of the commercial spots at the time, and I swear, they gave me chills. It was pure fear-mongering. What does it say about our governments that they believe that the general public can be so easily manipulated, and, that goshdarnitall, it works?

    I believe some of the fresh candidates coming up, though, are different. They are speaking honestly, and people are responding to it.

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • jgnat

    Not another You-TUBE! I refuse. Find me a scholarly article.

  • sir82
    FACT. I've been in the employ of a local government for over twenty years. The nature of my job has gained me access to the most confidential collections of records in their possession. In my specialist position, I've worked for over thirteen different departments of the government. If there's one thing I've learned, the government is not competent to pull off a decent conspiracy.

    Either that....


    You're part of the conspiracy too!

    Careful what you say to Jgnat, everyone! She'll direct the chemtrail jets to fly directly over your house! (oh yes, she knows where you live...she works for the government, after all...)

  • jstalin

    I completely know for a fact that chemtrails are real. The CIA abducted me and sent me off to a prison camp where I was a prisoner with several of the afore-mentioned lizard people (like George Bush). They told me all about it. Luckily I was able to find some aluminum foil to make a helmet and escape their mind-tracking devices and slip out the back gate of the detention facility in Nevada. OMG it's so real... so many people are getting sick and... holy crap, i'm looking out the window and there is a chemtrail right above me. I'd better change locations again to avoid detection by their manchurian candidates (the same ones who killed JFK, RFK, MLK, and Princess Diana).

    Here's my suit to protect me from CIA rays and chemtrails:


  • chrisjoel


    Look up and look out! Those may not be jet contrails obscuring blue sky days in a milky haze. From the investigative reporter who broke the "chemtrails" story in 1998, comes this newly updated book confirming a clandestine climate modification experiment over three continents. Even skeptics have come away convinced after seeing the many sighting reports, lab tests, interviews and photographs presented in this exclusive book. Learn what air traffic controllers are seeing on their radar scopes - and what they are being told. Hear scientists describe why their secret project to spray sunlight-reflecting chemicals behind US air force tanker planes in a dangerous attempt to slow global warming. How widespread are chemtrails? What are the health effects from inhaling their microscopic matter? What happened when a Congressman attempted to pass a bill banning "chemtrails"? And most importantly, learn what are citizens groups doing - and what can your community do - to stop this geoengineering experiment in our skies.

    From Chapter 14:

    A LANL scientist working on advanced experiments at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base told Columbus Alive that two separate secret “chemtrails” projects are being conducted by the air force. One centers on creating cloud cover to reduce global warming. The other project reflects radiation off artificial chemclouds in order to enhance the effectiveness of military radars and HAARP.

    The scientist also revealed that HAARP is used to guide low-pressure systems. These systems are often “picked up” over Canada, and guided south over the Midwestern United States.

    But Fitrakis told me that the weather modification “specialists” couldn't accurately forecast the results of such extreme atmospheric meddling. The HAARP-shifted low-pressure systems can bring severe storms in their wake.

  • sammielee24

    There are still some people when presented with the data from reputable sources, will then decry the reputable sources as disreputable or stupid. There is no winning - one can only present evidence....swife

    Just before Hurricane Frances hits Florida, its central eye suddenly expands from the usual 20 miles across to 70 nautical miles wide. “That is just unbelievably large,” exclaims a CNN affiliate out of Jacksonville. “And it's moving unbelievably slow. If it's going five, they say eight miles an hour, it could take 10 hours for the eye to go through. I mean that's crazy.”

    It takes 13.

    On hurricane watch at Juno Beach just north of West Palm Beach, WFOR-TVs Dave Malkoff is drawn to something on the water. “Gel foam down here on the ocean,” Malkoff tells viewers. “Once these waves crash, you're going to see something interesting. Once the waves crash they instantly mix with foam-watch! That's the foam right there. And it instantly turns into like a foam that you would have in your bathtub, and it blows away like a solid. Instantly, this foam that's coming off the ocean mixes with the sand and is blowing down this way.”

    Soon afterwards, a CBS-affiliate reports from Pompano Beach: “White foam all across the water. And it is not blowing away.” The news reports remind me of an item posted on Moonbow Media: “On July 19, 2001, ABC News reported a similar story of gelatinous 'goo' again washing up on beaches in West Palm Beach, Florida. This time it turns out the substance was identified as Dyn-O-Gel.”

    As for Ivan, TV commentators call it “strange” when this new hurricane abruptly turns away from making direct hits on Jamaica and the Caymans. As Ivan approaches the US Gulf Coast, a “dry air incursion” opens a wide boulevard into the eyewall, causing it to collapse. As the eye reforms and the storm wobbles toward the east, Ivan's entire southwestern quadrant becomes jagged, misshapen and devoid of rain.

    The previous month, the US Air Force admitted to CNN that it had broken up a storm over the Atlantic using products made by a company called Dyn-O-Mat.

  • sammielee24
    June 21, 2008

    Stop Now Or We’ll Bury You’, China Warns US As Weather War Intensifies

    By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

    Russian Military Analysts are reporting to the Kremlin today that the head of China’s Central Military Commission, General Guo Boxiong, has ‘warned’ the United States Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, to ‘immediately stop targeting China or we will bury you’.

    As we had previously reported on in our June 17th report, ‘Weather Wars’ Pummel US-China Heartlands, India In Total Chaos, the United States and China have been pummeling each other from their respective billion watt over-the-horizon radar systems located in China’s Lop Nor and the US’ Alaskan tundra.

    Such catastrophic damage has occurred due to this conflict that China has reported over 176 deaths due to massive flooding, and the United States has reported over 24 deaths with billions more in crop damage to their most vital growing regions threatening Global food price rises of unprecedented amounts.

    China’s latest warning, however, these reports state, are due to what the Chinese Military is saying is the United States ‘deliberate steering’ of Typhoon Fengshen towards the South China Sea after its deadly rampage through the Philippines.

    Both Russian and Chinese scientists have long stated that the United States has ‘perfected’ its abilities to direct the paths of cyclonic storms and give as the latest example the ‘steering’ of Typhoon Nargis into Myanmar, and which left nearly 200,000 dead in that embattled oil rich Nation, and which ‘conveniently’ both US and French warships were ‘positioned’ near its coast to provide ‘aid’.

    Of the greatest fears, however, of China’s warning to the US is that like they blame the Americans for doing to them, and as we had previously reported on in our May 30th report “China Orders Strike Against US For Catastrophic Earthquake”, the Chinese by increasing the wattage of their attack radar is able to, also, inflict a catastrophic earthquake upon the North American Continent.

    Canadian researcher, and former Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief of Forbes Magazine, Benjamin Fulford, and as we had, also, previously reported on, has warned of these attacks, and based upon the strange multicoloured clouds that form in the ionosphere preceding the ‘heating’ of our Earth’s ionosphere by these radar weapons, Russian President Medvedev has ordered Russia’s Strategic Bombers to begin patrols of the Arctic Regions where the first evidence of an attack will be spotted.

    It is not to our knowing if the United States will heed this warning from the Chinese, or even if they are willing to as their economy continues its death spiral and they now find themselves at virtual economic war with their own European Allies, and as we had reported on in our June 18th report “Catastrophic Collapse Of Western Economy Looms As US-EU Begin Monetary War”.

    What is to our knowing though of these things, and as the United Nations is warning today that the Middle East is about to turn into a ‘Ball of Fire’ with the planned US-Israeli attack upon Iran, the United States appears to have no choice left to them but Total Global War in order to continue they hegemony of the Earth.

    To the American people themselves, and who remain virtually blind to the catastrophic power of these new weapons of war currently being unleashed upon our World, they remain the least prepared to survive the coming horrors of this new war, even to the mocking of those, like us, who continue to issue warnings so that they may not be caught unaware, and unprepared, for the many catastrophes soon to befall them.
  • jstalin
    There are still some people when presented with the data from reputable sources, will then decry the reputable sources as disreputable or stupid. There is no winning - one can only present evidence....swife

    Well, what's your reputable source?

  • jstalin

    A couple of excerpts from the Will Thomas web site. I'll let the reader determine if this is a "reputable source."

    All of my work is thoroughly documented and footnoted. Much of my current reporting is based on a trusted insider, well known to me over our 15 year working relationship. “Hank”--not his real name--is a behind-the-scenes player on the world stage who draws on extensive contacts in the US military and intelligence communities to reveal stories presented only on the pages of this website.

    Rich says that the fences and the barricades surrounding the [World Trade Center] site remind him strongly of the Pearl Harbor memorial. Years ago in Oahu, on a day just like this, he had remarked to his business partner that he could feel the souls of drowned sailors around them. “They're still here,” Rich had said to his startled companion. “A lot of them haven't left.”

    Now he says the same thing to me.

    “They're here,” my friend exclaims over the phone.

    “Who?” I ask.

    “The people who died here. There's a lot of them. It's the same thing here. I have the exact same feeling I had at Pearl Harbor: lies and deception. It's the same message: 'Tell the truth. We were betrayed.' That's all I'm getting. I get the same feeling I got at the Arizona memorial… the same message: 'We were fodder. We were just used.' They were sacrificed. I get the same thing, man!”

    On this Saturday afternoon just shy of five years since the towers were toppled, Rich estimates upwards of 2,000 people are at Ground Zero. The crowd is very quiet, he reports. Even the children appear somber. Looking at the people around him, he counts 13 women and three men. Another group includes 10 women and only one man. “Women outnumber the men by 10 to one,” Rich says over the phone.

    “Why do you think that is?” I ask him.

    After a pause, he says, “The women are being pulled because they're sensitive to the souls. When women give birth to children, they're sensitive to this.” But the women drawn in such numbers don't know why they're here, he adds. “They all have the look of lost children.”

    The phone is silent for another moment. When Rich next checks in, he is standing nearly alone on an observation platform overlooking Ground Zero. “They led me here,” he tells me, referring not to helpful onlookers but to the lost souls of the WTC. “I'm 28-feet above the hole,” he says in a voice hushed with are. “There's no fence. No obstructed view.”

    By William Thomas

    PART I


    It was time for another check-in with a well-informed military man who never fails to astonish me with revelations that never seem to appear on Fox or CNN.

    “What's new?” I asked Hank.

    “Oh, dude.”

    My friend and deep source for more than 16 years sounded tired. And shaken. This veteran of the Gulf War, and personal intrigues and interventions at all levels of the U.S. government and military, does not rattle easily.

    Since we'd last spoken, Hank related, he'd stopped to help a stranger “on a tight deadline” change a tire on his car. Hank asked no questions, which must have impressed the mysterious motorist. Because weeks later he “got a nice little knock on the door, and there he is again.”

    You know where I live, Hank thought. Damn!

    “What do you need?” he asked aloud. “Another tire fixed?”

    “No, just some of your time.”

    The visitor on his doorstep was not the first insider to check Hank out, review some of the pieces we'd done together, and come forward. But this Vatican Jesuit “who helped run things” was certainly the highest placed. Over subsequent visits, Hank was introduced to enough of “his friends, neighbors, compatriots, ner'do-wells” to establish this man's veracity.

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