What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?

by Gill 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldflame

    Here in Northern California the government sprays chem trail all the time. Our local college goes out every time and takes samples of soil and water to see just exactly what they are spraying down on us and you would be surprised what they find. Chemicals that are deadly to humans ! If you think for one second that this is just a fluke then you are a numb minded person.

    The world governments say that the world is only capable of handling 5 to 7 billion people and if we go over that we will have problems like enough food to feed this 7 billion people. So what is the governments answer to these issues ? Population control. If you really trust your governments then you are a fool because they are the dirtiest players in the game of life.

    The latest chem trail tested found aluminum, which is known to cause lymphoma cancer. It was also said that after a chem trail spray that people do end up sick.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Population control? So in order to control the world's population they spray industrialized countries with stable or shrinking populations instead of 3rd world countries with exploding populations? Yeah, that makes sense.

  • Gill

    SacrificialLion- 'They' have finished with the industrialised western nations as the workers, in their opinion are greedy for wages, rewards, a good life style, good health care etc.

    The third world countries are on the up but still accept very low wages and poor conditions but will and are willing to work for peanuts.....so far.

    They have young and growing stronger and more educated populations.

    The US, UK, Europe have aging populations that are in the words of Henry Kissinger, 'useless feeders' and give nothing to the people at the very top of the food chain.

    Have you noticed that the USA and the UK and soon to follow Europe are in terminal decline.

    WE ARE THE FUTURE THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES and WE are the dispensible 'useless feeders'.

    Get your head around that very unpalatable FACT and you will be able to see a little more clearly what the NWO facilitators are up to and why people protest so vehemently at the G8 conferences and are getting very concerned about the 'Bilderbergers'.

    Conspiracy Theory it may well all be, but we are in terminal decline and 'They' don't need or want US anymore.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I have to admit that I think all this Chemtrail talk is a bit crazy. However...I am keeping an open mind.

    I would like to know more. First of all who is the "They" you are referring to?

    Honestly Curios

    The Oracle

  • sir82
    First of all who is the "They" you are referring to?

    The lizard-eyed reptilian Bilderberger Knights Templar black helicopter pilots, of course.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Gill, if I'm following correctly, you're saying the government wants us to be a third world country? What purpose would that serve to them?

  • Gill

    Oracle - 'They' are the people who really rule the world.

    'They' are the elite, the richest of the richest of the richest and the real power behind what we only believe to be the world powers and governments.

    Their New World Order plan has nothing to do with nation states working to benefit their citizens, but only their manipulation of world events in order to give them more and more riches, control and more important than anything else to them POWER!

    Forget the satanist / reptilian stories etc even if they were true, they would be totally irrelevant to what is really taking place in the world.

    'They' are bent on total control, money, power and nothing else.

    'They' don't care who lives and dies.

    Follow the money trail if you can, but you will find that there are certain families that are the elite, of the elite of the elite and they are the real powers of the Earth.

    They are the REAL BLOOD SUCKING PARASITES of the Earth and are like a cancer that will not be cut out.

    But, all cancers kill their hosts eventually and so die themselves. Perhaps that is a sobering thought for these people to contemplate.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    They are the REAL BLOOD SUCKING PARASITES of the Earth and are like a cancer that will not be cut out.

    And we're "useless feeders?"

  • Gill

    JohnDoe - Ironic, isn't it?

    We're supposed to be the 'useless feeders'......to them, at least.

    How many 'useless feeders' do you think they could get rid of in a couple of years if they caused the price of food to become so exhorbitant that many could not afford it? How many 'useless feeders' could they get rid of if they caused the price of oil, gas, electricity etc to escalate to such an extent that very old, very poor and 'dependent' people could not afford any heating?

    How many could they get rid of in a decade?

    Depopulate the Earth of 'useless feeders' and the elite of the elite may well feel more comfortable in their self imposed position of grandeur and power.

    Set the world off being concerned by yet another pointless war, ie USA V Iran, terrorism entirely orchestrated by themselves, escalating food and fuel etc and no one would even notice their slimy claws raking in every last penny of profit they can.

    They don't send their children off to war, and they can afford, food, fuel, medicine etc and the rest of us......can rot!

    They are immune to the ravages of the desolation they could wreak on the innocent and they don't give a flying fart!

  • Gill

    JohnDoe - One more thing......the 'government' are NOT in charge. The governments are merely puppets of the elite of the elite.

    The elite put up the candidates for election, we just get to possibly choose, which one of the elite's choice we might have.

    We have NO real choice.

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