What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?

by Gill 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bring_the_Light

    @Gill: Different planes fly at different altitudes, dude. There's different conditions at different altitudes.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    It's depressing that people actually listen to this sort of clap.

  • IP_SEC
    @Gill: Different planes fly at different altitudes, dude. There's different conditions at different altitudes.

    Ya... thats it BTL.

    Have you actually looked at the data or you just spewing here?

  • IP_SEC
    It's depressing that people actually listen to this sort of clap.

    I find it depressing that people dont JD. You ever listened? Can you debunk it? I've never heard a good debunking of it and would love to. Perhaps a debunking involving pictures of your pecs would get me into it.?

  • chrisjoel

    Author and investigative reporter Will Thomas presented his latest research on chemtrails . A new lab analysis of chemtrail samples (from aerial spraying) done in Florida, found barium, aluminum and fibrous, salty crystals, he detailed. Barium and aluminum are highly reflective materials which are likely used to combat climate change and warming, he noted. However, an informant suggested a kind of biowarfare testing may be part of the chemtrail scenario, he revealed. Further, a recent German TV News report created an uproar over the use of chemtrails by the German Army.


  • Gerard

    Elvis shot JFK.

  • mkr32208

    I was the gunman behind the grassy knoll, I also masterminded 9/11...

  • chrisjoel


    was the gunman behind the grassy knoll, I also masterminded 9/11...

    what about agent orange Agent Orange is the code name for a powerful herbicide and defoliant used by the U.S. military in its Herbicidal Warfare program during the Vietnam War. During the Vietnam War, an estimated 20 million gallons of Agent Orange were deployed in South Vietnam.[1]

    Agent Orange's usage from 1961 to 1971 was by far the most used of the so-called "Rainbow Herbicides" utilized during the program. Degradation of Agent Orange (as well as Agents Purple, Pink, and Green) released dioxins, which have caused health problems for those exposed during the Vietnam War

    If health problems can happen during war time from that stuff ....IM not putting it past them to screw around and make a mess of things NOT during war time...

  • Gill

    I find it commendable that so many people do not WANT to believe in 'conspiracy theorys' but sad that they use a blanket coverage of insult, ie 'conspiracy theory' to dismiss what really does appear to be happening and worse still is ADMITTED by the UK government that YES they have dropped chemicals on the population in order to EXPERIMENT.

    Hence, it no longer remains a theory but has become unassailable FACT.

    Britain and America have recently gone to war with a virtually unarmed nation and ravaged and murdered approximately 1.6 million Iraqis.


    Well, I'm sure we'll find out eventually, but we are ruled by Idiots and THAT is also a FACT worth worrying about.

    If they can commit such an evil war crime and they WILL get away with it, what else can they do?

    Mixing with many different ordinary people in the streets, queues, at work, at bus stop etc, I notice a rise in murmurings against what is 'happening' generally.

    The natives are getting restless and some are mentioning dusting down 'Madame La Guillotine', metaphorically speaking, of course.

    The people at the top NEVER, and CANNOT remain in that position once the people at the bottom decide not to stand in place like cattle to be slaughtered and people only take so much crapping on before they say enough is enough and they 'pyramid falls'.

    And do they have long way to fall and I really don't think they have parachutes!!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    There is video of two planes flying at the same altitude ... one spewing crap and the other one isn't. Contrails dissipate, Chemtrails expand and create a haze.

    It has nothing to do with conspiracy ... these CHEMTRAILS did not exists in the 80's...and now they do???

    To all the sheeple posting retarded stuff here, you would think you would learn coming ouf the borg to at least QUESTION everything, but go ahead and stick your head back in the dirt.

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