How many people did you "bring into the truth"?

by song19 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    My mother and 3 of my 8 sisters. Also, by extension, my baby daughter.

    I tried hard with others outside of my family, but they all fizzled.

    I love God and thought I was bringing honor to him.

    May He forgive me and all others who bought into the JW doctrine.


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    None. Like you, I wasn't keen on RV's and didn't feel capable of taking a study so didn't want one.

    But I could've done. It's the luck of the draw, sometimes. And I obviously played a part in encouraging friends and family. None of us are entirely innocent. Those who did play a part in "bringing someone in" were just doing what they thought was right. I can understand how it would make you feel guilty, but things are just not that simple and we all have to take responsibility for our own choices.

  • MominAustin

    zilch-zero-nada :D

  • changeling

    Three. Apologized to one of them, can't find the other two.

    changeling :)

  • Dagney

    Four. One was nutty, and probably didn't stick with it.

    One is mentally out, but keeps her toe in, considers me her spiritual mom even though I'm agnostic, I guess . I was honest with her about myself, apologized, and told her no matter where we go in our spiritual journey, we were buddies.

    The other two...probably still in. One I talked to not too long ago, but she didn't bring up anything can only wish. The other one, she was quite a great JW experience; I wonder if our paths will ever cross. I will be honest with them when the time comes. I want them to think about what they and who they are serving.

    I enjoyed all my studies, and there is an attachment that never goes away. Boy did I feel awful about it after I left, just awful.

  • bite me
    bite me

    I almost got suckered in. then God slapped me in the face and told me to wake up. everyone is nice too nice. they get all lovey dove. find out who you are with. who you study with. when I told them I do my own study they had the nerve to ask me : don't you want to be saved at armagedon that's just around the corner. I said i'll think about it. I totally wanted to bust out with that song.. don't cha don't cha wish your girl friend was hot like me.

  • reneeisorym

    ONE ... But he left .. ahahaha

  • still_in74

    1 too many,

    his wife left him and took the kids too. They were the happiest family I had ever met until I came along. I dont know if I will ever forgive myself for that...

  • LovesDubs

    None that I know of but you know all those "placed" magazines in gas stations, donut shops and dry cleaners...probably formed my own congregation somewhere LOL! not

    I was really BUSY out there too and I was often curious about my resounding lack of success at it. Turns out it was a GOD SAVE and I dont have blood on my hands.

    Yeah...all those billions of hours spent each year by JWs and how many get baptized from the field service work? Would LOVE to know that number.

  • AnnOMaly


    She was in her teens. She lasted a couple of years.

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