How many people did you "bring into the truth"?

by song19 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    four dammit.......placed a truth book with a young couple with two kids when I was about 11.........parents did the can a quarter and a blue book change lives like that........ugh.....oompa

  • sacolton


    Does it not warm your ?

  • Quirky1
  • blondie

    A few but they are all out now. When I was a jw I sincerely tried to help people change their lives and serve God (not the WTS). I encouraged them to make their own decisions.


  • Awakened07

    If this thread is any indication, we didn't do very well, did we?

    I guess I was hesitant to get a study, never prayed to get one etc., 'cause I never fully accepted everything we were told even though I still was 'devout', and I had some integrity, believe it or not, so I guess I subconsciously (and/or consciously) decided I couldn't lie to a study, and I couldn't tell them of my lack of belief in everything we learned, so...

    I got zilch.

  • sacolton

    See, I was one of those people who sat quietly at the meetings and listened to the babble. I used to be Methodist, so some of the things the WTBTS taught was WAY OUT THERE and didn't register in my mind. I suppose that helped prevent getting totally brain-washed. So, during the talks - when they would insert themselves into Bible prophecy saying, "See? We fullfilled this prophecy!" ... I would just roll my eyes in disgust.

    The things they taught never felt right to me. I sure didn't want to enslave others with this garbage.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee


  • Quirky1

    Sacolton, I was similar in views. It was too far fetched for me to swallow. It was like a comic book monster come to life. I can't believe I used to be one of them freakin' wierdos.

  • Robert7

    Zero! Woo-Hoo!!!

  • Seeker4

    We studied with several people, and there are at least two families now that are still Witnesses that we "brought in," as it were. There are certainly many more that we influenced in becoming JWs.

    At the same time, I'd like to think that I've had a hand in helping LOTS of people leave the Witnesses, including at least as many from my old congregation as I brought in to it. Thanks goodness for the Internet.


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