Please help a lurker... too scared to post

by Awakened at Gilead 50 Replies latest members private

  • mouthy

    "Come As You Are" was the reading I had...So do that . If your gay,straight,a drunk,a drug addict, what ever!!!!

    When HE says Come as you are " I think that is what he meant. Then use the gray stuff he gave us between out ears( brains) to think for ourselves.

    I really like the way you show LOVE to your MUM, That is the GREATEST command. Love God & Love your neighbour as yourself. So my dear sis, do that, love you! then love all the others

  • lostsheep82

    Awww mouthy you are sweet. That is one thing I told my mom last week when I leaked out that I'm doing research on the history. All she said was to look at the proclaimers book, but then when I told her that the person who did the most research for that book left the truth and that made her quiet for a bit. I told her that I would NEVER have ever shunned her, even when she was in positions where she could have been DF'd, I didnt ever agree with it because I KNOW my moms heart and why she does/did the things she did, and I never felt it was MY position to sit there and be high and mighty and not talk to her. That was her biggest fear was being DF'd. (she had a small drinking problem) When I say small, well you would too if you'd been throught what we/she has. I'm scared to tell her the truth about the truth cause she would have no where to turn....that's the only thing keeping her alive I swear. But my point being, dont ever shun someone you love. LOVE is the greatest commandment Jesus gave us, and if the 'truth' or the catholics or anyone for that matter practiced LOVE just love, then the world wouldnt be in such despair.

    She is blood. Blood is thicker than mans interpretation of the scriptures thats for sure!

  • mouthy

    (((((((((((((HUGS)))) good reasoning sweetie

  • BFD



  • nomoreguilt

    Lostsheep82.....Welcome to JWD!!

    Sweetheart, and I do believe that you are a sweet person, be kind to yourself. If you can look in the mirror and love the person that you see, I REALLY MEAN the PERSON that you see, that's all that matters. You have to be your own person. Don't allow another to dictate to you who or what you are. It is NOT for others to JUDGE you, rather, you are the only one that knows what your personal needs are. Hold your head high and enjoy the persona that is YOU!!!

    I have been fading now for 4 years and I still have 2 grown sons, 1 in and 1 inactive to think about. BUT...I enjoy MY life as me. Do the same.


  • lostsheep82

    I do have to say tho, that even when my mom would tell me or does tell me that the end is sooo close, yeah I wanted my GF to come into the truth and love all the things I love, but there was always doubt in my mind about the org, and bringing her into it. BUT I thought it was the ONLY way we could be together. Forever doesnt exist in this life is what I told her. I'm 26 and just now discovering that I can maybe have kids in 'this system'. I NEVER ever wanted to leave my girlfriend, and prayed and cried as to why we have to seperate. I don't think it's fair to be ripped from LOVE. Love is all we have. why take that away. Thanks to her incredible patients with me, we are still happy and she is baring with me and my "research".

    It is sooo hard to face that the truth isnt the truth.....It messes me up sooo bad.


    LostSheep..Your not lost anymore......I`ve heard the "end is near" since I was a little kid.....My kids are adults and my parents are dead.....I`m an Orphan!..Will you adopt me?.........Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • dogisgod

    Welcome Lurker! Keep reading the posts here. You will find many with the same situation as yours and how they got thru this. I have asked my mom to not talk about religion to me and it has worked. You may not be ready for this step but keep it in mind. You might start with you can't be on Company time and have her call to read anything. That's stealing from your employer (WT think). Removing yourself from the Borg will leave you feeling like you are in a void, guilty, fearing destruction. This won't last forever. Like having anything removed there will be a "space" but it will fill in. It just takes time. xoxoxo

  • S3RAPH1M

    The true religion is Deism. Reading the writings of Thomas Paine will assist your reasoning.

  • jgnat

    I am so proud of you, LostSheep, for telling us your story. It's one of my favorite moments on JWD, when a newcomer opens up for the first time. The few hesitant words turn in to a flood.

    That means there's been a lot of pent up feelings and thoughts, haven't there? There is great freedom in being able to speak your mind.

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