Please help a lurker... too scared to post

by Awakened at Gilead 50 Replies latest members private

  • beksbks

    Welcome Too Scared! I have nothing to really add to the others comments, other than it does get better. Born in, and out for over 20 years here. It did take some time to get my head out, but it was certainly worth it.

    I wanted to add that when I was young, they gave me the impression that worldly people were somehow evil. They aren't, they are just people, good and bad just like the witnesses.

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    Hello Lurker....

    Nice to meet you, and you're very brave for letting A@G tell your story, but we all know he's a great guy.

    Welcome to the forum. You'll feel right at home here since we all understand, even OOMPA.

    Feel free to post anything you'd like, it will help you get thru this time.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Thanks everyone for posting... she hasn't read my PM yet, but she has the link to the thread.... Hopefully she'll read it soon.

    BTW: Oompa - who invited you to this thread? No more beachhouse humor... the girl just needs some real support... not that kind.

    Keep the posts coming...! I know she'll appreciate it when she does read them...!


  • chickpea

    my 2 main encounters with religion
    have all but killed my soul....

    one was in the catholic church
    and the other was <drum roll>
    the b0rganization

    there is life beyond all
    these man-made and limited
    institutions and a wealth
    of knowledge and wisdom
    that is yours for the taking.....

    be not afraid


  • Nosferatu

    If this isnt the truth what the fxxx is there?

    You know all that stuff that the society told you not to do? That is all out there to discover! You can make friends with worldly people, go see a live band in a bar, grow a beard ....... well, maybe not that one :)

    You had your world limited by the boundaries of the Watchtower Society. Luckily, the boundaries are made of glass. You can smash them down! You might get cut and hurt a bit while smashing them down, but it's a small price to pay for your freedom.

    You're now free to make your own decisions. You'll discover that your head won't get chopped off if you celebrate your birthday, you'll find out demons don't live in garage sale items, and you'll also see that worldly people can in fact be more loving, caring, and more loyal than any JW could EVER be!

    You're on a new path of life. It may be a bit scary at first, but that's only because the path is unfamiliar. You'll be opening yourself up to many new experiences and adventures. You'll find it more interesting than your typical Public Talk on Sunday.

    Welcome to YOUR life!

  • redredrose

    Welcome, sweetheart! Listen, I've been lurking here a while too, and just got up the courage to post a couple of days ago. It is scary out here but I've found the people on this board to be greatly supportive. You've got time to investigate whats here and to find out what it is you believe, you don't have to do it all at once! I'm 52 years old, born in and I've just now decided that the 'Truth' is pretty much a bunch of bullshit. So take a deep breath and begin exploring new freedoms.

  • Hortensia

    Hi folks - lurkers sounds so creepy - and newbies a little I'll just call you friends. If this (the WTBTS) isn't the truth, then what is? That's an illustration of what's wrong with JW thinking. There aren't only two choices - JWs or destruction. JWs are just a little piece of the whole wide world and there are lots of choices. No harm in sampling a lot of ideas to see what resonates with your own thinking. Take your time, you only have the rest of your life. And there is no such thing as armageddon, so don't worry about that.

  • yknot

    I know the feeling all too well. My last meeting was June 1st. So far I am not venturing beyond Christianity as I am too fragile. I remember when I found this site and confirmed my long held fears, I cried and cried prayed to have demons removed, prayed to be possessed and it all not be true....

    Ultimately I was drawn back to the scripture often associated with the 'where shall we go' mournful woe.....and noticed it didn't say 'Where" but to "Whom".............there is no "true religion".....only faith.

    While JWD is a mixed bag regarding creed, no creed, or possible creed......I have found that we all are on our own journey in recovering from the totalitarian rule of the WT......WE are all unique yet have common experiences.

    I hope you do feel empowered to post....we all learn from each other.

    Glad you are here ~~~~Yknot

  • whitman

    Hello mysterious girl. I'm so glad you found this site. I am sure you will find great support here amongst all of us who are learning, sharing and growing Welcome aboard. You are safe here.

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Heart went out to you when reading your story. You are not in a nice place right now. I am sorry.

    The good news is you are so young and have all of your life to make things right. I am sure that many people on this board will be more than happy to help you.

    You sound like quite a brave person and I hope to read more about you and your story. Be wonderful if you posted.

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