I didn't know where to say Hi - so here I am

by rustonmyhalo 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Welcome, rusty. You guessed at the right place to say hello. I would suggest you take your time to digest what you are learining. It's like you've been eleven years on a starvation diet, and you've just walked in to a pastry shop.

    So my advice, take your time for the thoughts to absorb. Think through the implications.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Welcome to the board, Rust:

    We hope you'll enjoy and benefit from time spent on JWD. It's an experience of sharing and growing.


  • rustonmyhalo

    You folks have made me so welcome. Ty all. I am mum of 5 - 4 step kids and one boy of my own. I cannot deny God - so much of me wants to keep believing in Jesus and the Bible - but the logical side of me sees alot of reasoning in what others say - such as that website before. Bit of a head mess going on hahahahaha I have become something of a conspiracy freak of late - uncovering things on Church and government - and it seems the more my eyes get to glimpse at possible truths - then the more my eyes are confronted. Hope I made sense. I left of Jw's due to attending a 3 day assembly. I took a sister and her children to the assembly - we shared a caravan - mainly to help her with costs. She spent the whole weekend smashing her little girls heads into walls - glass doors etc etc. I was young stupid and mortified. On returning home - I contacted the elders and reported the abuse. They called her into the KH and she denied everything. The elders came to my home and made me ring her and apologise for making false accusations. Which i did. I rang her and apologised for lieing about her to the elders - all the while i kept thinking about her poor kids. I left. Those kids would all be grown up now - sometimes i wonder if they left off the mother and the religion that would not protect them. Dayuummmm I feel so sad talking of this. Funny how time does not erase some things. I cannot step into any KH nor any churches - so for 11 years i have just lived on the outside loving God and feeling guilty because i cant follow the command to associate lol always thinking (Im a dog who returned to its vomit) I think I am going to let all that go now :)

  • ataloa
    I cannot step into any KH nor any churches - so for 11 years i have just lived on the outside loving God and feeling guilty because i cant follow the command to associate lol always thinking (Im a dog who returned to its vomit) I think I am going to let all that go now :)

    This is the same way I have felt for seven years.

  • DaCheech

    believe me and the others, yor KH was not the only one lying.

  • rustonmyhalo

    oh hugs ataloa -

    at least with all the current food shortages you and i will not go hungry --- we have all that vomit lol

  • rustonmyhalo

    oh hugs ataloa - at least with all the current food shortages you and i will not go hungry --- we have all that vomit lol

  • rustonmyhalo

    double posted grr lol i need sleep folks - very late here - goodnight everyone

  • Undecided

    Hi Rusty,

    I've been out for 30 years and still don't know if religion is anything but a way to feel some comfort about death. I haven't found any proof of the bible being God's word but I have to admit I don't have proof of anything about God. When I see nature I wonder about the bad there, as well as the good. Too many natural disasters, including sicknesses for animals as well as humans and plants.

    I attend a church right now to just see what it claims to do for people and the results of being saved. So far it seems to help some people be more moral and many of the ones there are good people. I don't know if it is a result of some spirit of a God or just mental or emotional feeling. Religion's history isn't very good, it seems to depend on the leaders and how they feel about God's leadership. In the Hebrew days there was killing all the time and in the days of the early christain movement's control the same thing happened.

    I guess you will have to do what makes you feel happy, if you can find that in your life.

    Ken P.

  • Quirky1

    Welcome to JWD Rusty!

    Keep talking...We're listening.

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