Do You Wake Up With Answers?

by compound complex 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    I just now awoke from a nap, a "solution" to a knotty question at my bedside, patiently awaiting my return to wakefulness, with the answer that eluded me during conscious deliberations. Generally, when this has happened, now and in the past, what appears to have been an instant realization turns out to be exactly what I needed.

    Have you ever experienced this?

    Why does it happen?

    Do you keep a notepad and pencil on your nightstand?



  • hillbilly

    My dad was a notebook on the night stand guy.

    Me... I dream full screenplays some nights... and can remember glimmers of inventive ideas... as soon as I wake up they are gone.

    There have only been say... half a dozen, dream or nightmares I could recall for over a day or two. But I do know I have them.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, this has happened to me. I think it is because at night when we sleep, our subconscious is playing secretary and filing the thing that happened to us as well as our thoughts into a nice neat order so we can understand it better later. It is the process of figuring things out unconsciously. It's just our brains' way of keeping us nice and sane and mentally refreshed. I think it's why cramming for tests the night before does work though temporarily.

  • OpenFireGlass

    this is the story of my life.... guess that's why i'm a morning person (well after i get my coffee anyway)

  • flipper
  • Bring_the_Light

    I frequently wake up with a boner. I like to keep a woman whenever possible. A notepad, not so useful.

  • flipper

    COCO- I got so flustered reading your post, I hit the wrong pre-ejaculation key ! LOL! In answer to your question , " have I woke up from my bed with a solution to a Naughty question ? " Well, yes . My wife usually helps me with the solution though . LOL! Pardon my humor - I just could not resist ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks for the great answers:


    If only you could recall those screenplays, capture them on paper, and send the movie treatment to Hollywood, we'd all be rich and successful!

    These are original screenplays, yes?

    White Dove:

    What a neat and precise analysis you've made. Perhaps that is why I am the sanest person I know (in my one-man apartment, that is)!


    Wanna join me inna ?



  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Dream journaling is something I simply must start.

    I have some PDFs on dream work, and will be reading them this summer.

  • hillbilly

    tell me about it... I read that most dreams take seconds to dream... mine go on all night it seems like... and I usually miss the punchline cause I wake up.


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