Children Who Leave Always Come Back to the Society

by ataloa 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Actually, I personally know of several who did return years later. I made several half-hearted attempts which were simply fear-driven. But I don't believe the majority return.


    Another WBT$ lie,JW`s mindlessly repeat..I walked away decades ago..I never went back.....If you like to be fed sh*t,go to the "King Dung Hole"..It`s where all good JW`s go,to learn absolute Bullsh*t like:"Children who leave always come back to the Society"......................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • dinah

    King Dung Hole! Good one!

  • Mincan

    Uh.... no.

  • blondie

    You might look at that survey I posted above. It was recently referenced by a jw elder during his talk as to the number of born-into jws that have left.


  • Farkel

    :According to my mother, only the mentally ill and the morally deficient leave.

    That is called "projection." Don't acknowledge your problem but blame that problem on others.

    The mentally ill and morally deficient are the ones who stay. The religion is geared towards those types of people.


  • Casper

    Bull$hit! poor 17 year old son tried four hard months to get back in...and he even appealed the DF!!!! How could these idiots not realize that it is hard enough to keep a dub if any wanna stay in that the forgive 77 times damn judgemental bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........i did not shun him but his mom did a bit.....

    Oompa, I couldn't agree more with your above statement...

    When I left, my two girls came with me, neither has expressed any desire to go back...


  • AuldSoul

    Obviously, it isn't true. It is frequently true, but I think it depends on the reason for the child leaving. If the child leaves because they find the religion too rigid and confining, I think many of these would return after experiencing freedom in the big, bad, scary world. If the child leaves because they take exception to the issues of doctrine taht the Bible does not support or because they wisey reject the notion of the Governing Body having been appointed to direct the organization, those don't ever go back.


  • yknot

    Well isn't that some wishful and deluded thinking of a convert parent.

    I don't know any former JWkids who have left and returned true believers.

    Of those who had return right before I left there was two reasons they returned

    1. Needed to feel the love of their parents(family) and are just going through the motions & returning to living the double life of there childhood. These go in FS by fudging numbers and only donate to the local KH (if at all), and are quick to tell you in private why they have returned and don't believe. Alcohol is flowing a bit more these days in their lives.

    2. Want to have some sort of religious devotion, but because of the 3 won't consider a non-denom. They only go to the Sunday meeting & "speak abusively" about the WTS on the side and don't donate to the local or worldwide fund. Since theses usually have an unbelieving mate they too live a double life because there children celebrate holidays (except halloween which has pretty much been abandoned in my area by local churches in favor for a 'fall festival' the weekend before halloween)

    Yea some return but they have lost their sense of 'urgency", are not 'reaching-out', and in general are just taking up space because they feel they have no alternative.

  • Seeker4

    The Pew survey Blondie linked to is the best "official" info we have - which shows that JWs actually have the WORST retention rate, not the best, the OPPOSITE of this JW myth that all young people who leave eventually return.

    Unofficially, I've heard COs refer several times to the thought that ONLY 1 IN 8 of those raised JW stays a Witness. That was very close to the percentage I got when I unofficially surveyed several congregations, and I would bet it's pretty accurate. That translates to only 12.5% of those raised JW actually stay. The rest leave.

    Of course, some of those that leave as teens do come back - but again, I think the percentage is small. In fact, of the dozen or more families in the congregation where I raised my kids, I can think of only one family where all the kids remained JW. By far the majority of kids left, and most of those were smart enough to have never gotten baptized. Only one of my three kids got baptized and remains a Witness. MAYBE another 12% or so came back and are nominal JWs now - which would still still leave 75% out.


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