JW wife says she loves me more often NOW???? Should I test that?

by oompa 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa
    Hope4others: I think she is just afraid of losing you.....

    Ohhh that is too sweet....so sweet and simple.....I like that, and it is a definate possibility....lots to think about....thank you...oomps

  • lisaBObeesa

    I think she is just afraid of losing you.....


    That's what it sounds like to me.

    Best wishes to you.

  • oompa

    As you mentioned, she won't go to a basketball or football game with you. If she did compromise, and go do something she didn't like, would it not be fair for her to ask you to do something you don't enjoy, say, go to a Sunday meeting with her? You have to decide what's fair, and what you can live with.

    Any chance of getting her to look into other religious beliefs at all, rather than the full blown 'apostate' issue? Marriage counseling?

    Indo, just for clarity, she would do a game with me...I was referring to an actual WT article that says you should not go to a game with worldly workmates who want to give you a free ticket!!....still cant believe it. And NO chance of looking at other religions until I would get her out this crap, and I would not be interested at all in that....she refused marriage counseling in front of my therapists who along with his other two partners all have told me I have been in a CULT (wife know their position). She does not know all three have told me I should probably move on with life rather than be stuck with a CULTIST!.........thanks again.............oompa

  • oompa
    danny-p: But at the same time, I can't expect her to follow me and change herself just because she loves me--that's not love. Love is acceptance. And if we can't accept each other, than there's nothing to do but move on.

    well well....thanks for making me feel selfish. Even if she did not love me though, I would want her to wake up and see she is in a cult. If she "followed me and changed herself " because she loves me...fine.....but only if she really accepted what most feel isTHE REAL TRUTH about JW's...they are a CULT. It is sooo hard to see that as born in and so in it still. Heck, I wish she loved me enough to leave and fake her exit if it lead to her really understanding she had left behind a CULT.

    I will have to ponder this Love is Acceptance thing. Right now, I feel selfish because she is more accepting of me and my apostate ways, saying nasty truthful things, and my just walking away. Why am I so unable to accept her like this? I think it has to do with wanting what I had though I had in a "normal" marriage.....common friends, good times with them, vacations, parties...normal things damn it.........oompa

  • oompa
    Changeling: I think your wife is saying she loves you no matter what. Can you say the same to her?????

    I am answering these in order and Dan-p had the same thought....I am having trouble doing this. PM me your number again please or call me, I would really like to get with you and your husband soon.........thank you............oompa

  • oompa
    sacolton: After all, she probably doesn't see you as an "evil apostate" or "spiritual enemy". To end your marriage over a religious belief would be silly.

    well, actually that is about right. She knows I lost all faith and think I was in a cult, however she probably hopes it is reversable and that someday I come back around. Maybe I should let her know there is no way in Heaven or Hell or Both that is ever going to happen! This is far more that "A" religious belief SACO....It is "A" belief that controls just about every frikkin thing in her life.....c'mon here.........oompa

  • daniel-p

    Well I think you hit the nail on the head, oompa. You have to figure out if you can accept and love her as a JW. When we marry someone we choose to take them as they are, not as they should, or could be. The problem is that we then change occasionally--as in leaving the JWs--and we have to re-accept our mates and they have to re-accept us. I accept my wife as a JW. I'll support her where I can, and be honest where I can't. For example, I recently told her I couldn't support her decision about blood and if it were our children they would recieve a transfusion. She accepted it.

  • Dagney
    Why am I so unable to accept her like this?

    Because you want a partner in your life.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    This is far more that "A" religious belief SACO....It is "A" belief that controls just about every frikkin thing in her life.....c'mon here.........oompa

    Amen Oompa... JWs are JWs 25 hours a day, 8 days a week, 32 days a month, 367 days a year... It's not just a belief. It's a "Way of Life"(TM).


  • daniel-p

    Partner means different things to different people. So maybe we should ask ourselves the question: "What do I need in order to feel like I have a partner in life?"

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