Do you have pets? What kind? Names?

by White Dove 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK

    1 Dog...Sasha

    83 goldfish and 14 koi

    The two largest koi are Jack and Goldie. The smallest koi is blue, its name is Cloud.

  • chickpea

    two dogs rescued from the local animal shelter

    a cuddle monger and a lunatic ( names not revealed as they too are in the witless protection program)..... each weighs in at about 70 pounds and whilst totally opposite in temperment and personality, they breathe with one lung!

    however, the gorgeous red betta fish is named sundrop

  • bronzefist

    One cat...YingYang.


  • Velvetann

    I have One Dog

    A Yellow Lab named Taz 20 months old He doesn't leave my side unless I go out without him.alt

    He is so protective, he knows I have trouble walking and walks slowly beside me in case I need help. He is so concerned if I even sneeze. Animals are so wonderful


  • Flowerpetal

    I have 3 cats and 2 lovebirds. Cats names are:

    P.P., Graygirl, and Kundie.

    LOvebirds: Beau and Peachy

    Hey RR! Nice to see you!

  • Dorktacular

    I have a catfish named Shithead. The other fish don't have names. I'd name them, but we don't have much to say to each other. The catfish and I have played lazer tag for about 8 years.

  • lancelink

    Yesterday I stopped off on the way home at a K-hall construction I passed in Chicago and I overheard several ladies talking about pets.

    One story really irked me, she stated how people from Mexico cannot comprehend why Americans let their dogs
    1) live in the house
    2) sleep on the beds
    3)and sometimes even eat at the same table / room.

    She said how weird the Americans are for letting this go on.

    I felt like telling her to go back to Mexico if she did not like it, why complain about our customs?

    If I go down there and complain about their lifestyle, I could end up dumped in a ditch somewhere with a hole in the back of my head.

    Any thoughts about this, or am I just becoming an old man set in my ways ???

  • iceguy

    I have a Jack Russell Terrior named ex has him most the time though :(

  • loosie

    Well we run a cat and rabbit rescue here. So I won't name them all. just the funny ones.

    Male rabbit - humpy - because that is what he does.

    female tuxedo cat - lardy - because she is huge

    male persian cat - Maxwell fuzzybottom

    female black cat - Moshi - Indian word for cat ( we got her in AZ)

  • FlyingHighNow

    This is Julian's hamster. He named him Ricky Bobby Cornflower. I call him Sir Richard Robert of Cornflower. Julian doesn't like my version. But my version sounds more pedigree.

    I forgot to add that the name Ricky Bobby is inspired by the movie: Ricky Robby: Talledaga Nights.

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