For the Sisters: Were you ever happy you couldn't have male "privileges"?

by Open mind 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Watchtower policies clearly make women second-class citizens. I don't see it changing anytime soon. This thread is not about how ridiculous it is that a female is not allowed to hand out mags, territory, books or carry a microphone if a qualified male is present. It is what it is.

    Having said that, did you ever have a moment of clarity, perhaps when you began awakening to the true nature of the JWs, when you felt like this:

    Man, I'm GLAD I don't have to go through the charades the guys do! I'm GLAD I'm not allowed to "reach out"! I can just sit here and fade away to my heart's content and no one can touch me!



  • momzcrazy

    I never wanted to be a man in the men's club that is the Society.


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Like pissing standing up

  • babygirl75

    Heck yeah!!!

    It's hard enough to get the house cleaned, everybody ready, and take care of the kids during the meeting! When I was in I wished they wouldn't allow the women to go in service or do talks!

  • Finally-Free

    My ex was a "company man" and always resented not being able to be an elder. Often I thought the only reason she married me was so one day she could be an elders wife, thus elevating her status in the congregation. Since I never was a MS or elder, I was a huge disappointment to her and I heard her complain about it constantly.


  • Switch

    I'm very delighted that as a sister I'd never, ever have to say a prayer for everyone. That seems like such a difficult and embarassing task. I know it must take practice to get the right balance of showing thankfulness, asking forgiveness, mentioning relevent events or difficulties, etc. And when the prayer didn't flow well or someone paused for an embarrassing length, I said my own little prayer of thankfulness that it wasn't me at that podium!

  • chickpea

    one of the women at the congo i attended said when her daughter once asked why women didnt get to carry the mic, her reply was " the men are here to serve us"

    i never really saw it that way, and it chapped my @ss to have to listen to some guy who could barely string 2 sentences together for a prayer, let alone a talk...when there were so many "sisters" better qualified.....

    god, when i get to thinking about this kind of stuff, it amazes me that i ever put up with b0rg at all! wth was i thinking??!?

  • Alexia

    Oh yeah!

    I didn’t have to be the first ones at the hall stay until 11:00PM doing the accounts, counting magazines, etc.

    No running up and down the isles with microphones.

    Asking people to share embarrassing details about their sexual experience(s) (elders).

    Having to prepare for and conduct meeting, service, etc – it was nice to just f*** off sometimes.

    Wearing a suit and tie (after the age of 13, I stopped wearing tights and pantyhose).

  • AnnOMaly

    I'm happy that I didn't have to prepare talks or be responsible for groups/FS every week, or be called on to say cong prayers all the time, or to judge difficult judicial cases, etc. But it ticks me off that the org snubs women by disallowing public Bible reading from the stage, reading paragraphs, handling mics, serving on the sound or lit desks, being attendants (unless they are 'carers' for the elderly, moms with babies, etc.). There's a huge resource they refuse to tap into, for no scriptural reason. Still, it's their show, their funeral.

  • LovesDubs

    Ah yes, the microcosm that is The Brotherhood of JWland. <sigh>

    Forget the qualifications of Timothy and Titus....There are just so many bennies to being a servant. Having the perfect COILING technique for your mic cord. Handing out magazines to drooling sisters because you are 1 of 3 unmarried brothers left in the hall who are older than 17. Giving a talk even though you have a lisp and your suit is a hand me down. Giving the opening and closing prayers at all meetings. Knowing all the gossip in the entire hall and even the entire circuit. Being a "craig in a storm" to so many adoring sheep. Reading the watchtower paragraphs each Sunday because the rest of us are idiot who cant do it on our own. Being able to "stand up" for your talks. Being able to council ANY sister no matter how much older she is than you are. Keeping the territory cards in order in their re-purposed recipe box with the label gun plastic label on it. Parking cars at the Memorial. Sitting in on judicial committees so you can hear how once again Brother Slimeball was insisting on his pioneer wife giving him oral sex. Helping load and dispose of garbage during assemblies which requires that you remove your suit jacket and roll up your sleeves so we can admire your muscles, and you dont have to listen to the boring talks which is a plus. Having the leads in the drama and ALWAYS getting to be Jehoovers voice and sometimes Jehoover is from Australia :)

    the list is endless.....Im SO jealous

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