All Things Mystical - Real or Not?

by Sirona 131 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • journey-on

    Terry, no offense, but I tend to think many times (not everytime) you get "real" confused with "tangible". Something

    can be real though unseen. Take Sirona's example of trying to describe the scent of a flower. We can describe

    the scent in relation to another scent (it smells like vanilla mixed with apricots) or it smells sweet like candy, but

    you can never capture the description with words......only metaphors or similes.

    The essence of something IS's just not tangible.

  • Gill

    It can only be 'felt'. Words are too big! Quantum physics deals with infintesimally minute particles.

    When you 'transfer' and image to the mind of someone it has to be 'felt' it cannot be a is the same with 'mysticism' is an experience and not a language. You 'know' because you 'feel it'.

    We are life forces trapped inside a 'bottle'. But, if we 'feel' how to, we can reach out of our prisons and 'touch' the souls around us.

    This is why we, whatever 'we' really are, never die, only our prisons disintigrate and this is why, ultimately, there really is nothing at all to fear.

    Once we learn this, nothing can shake our peace.

  • Simon
    If you have not had a mystical experience, what do you think of this comment?

    I think it is the talk of an idiot.

    Also, I don't like the insinuation that someone who makes a rational and well-thought through decision not to believe in stupid hocus-pocus is by definition somehow lazy or close minded:

    "If he cannot be bothered to follow your directions or flatly refuses to believe that the flower exists there is nothing one can do about it"

    As there is not one shred of evidence to support any of the nonsense this guy obviously likes to peddle, then I think anyone with any sense will believe that there are no mystical events.

    I do believe there are flowers though.

  • Gill

    Simon - Truer words never spoken ....'There are no mystical events'.

    There IS a scientific answer for everything. It only appears 'mystical' while we do not know the reason, or how or why something occured.

    Get our your quantum physics text books and enjoy!

  • james_woods

    I have a Nicolai Tesla story. Really.

    There is an ex-JW who is also an ex-Girlfriend that I ran into a couple of years ago. She had wandered out very far into the swamp with all kinds of the new-age stuff. She gave me some of their magazines - I was not too surprised to learn that they hold Tesla in very high regard.

    So, putting up with it all (she was kind of fun to ride around with when not in a trance), one day we went to half-price books & magazines here in Dallas. I went straight to the science section, she went to metaphysical & religion...believe it or not - she finds this big thick hardbound book on Nivolai Tesla. She runs back to science, finds me, and shows it to me. She wants it badly. She thinks the young Tesla very cute, is having feelings.

    One glance shows it to be totally technical - a description of all his real-world inventions and patents, the actual patent drawings, technical details, etc. No metaphysics here at all. I explain this to her - she wants it anyway. I buy it for her.

    On Thanksgiving evening, she asks me over to her house as we are both alone in town. She admits, sitting before the fire, that I was right, and she could not understand a single word of the book. I told her that in reality, I could not understand a single word of her new-age philosophy stuff (well, except I think I sort of got the point of the Tantra bits..;). She wanted me to have the book back.

    It is still on my library in my science section - and I cannot look at it without thinking of my hippie ex-witness chick.

  • wednesday

    "You experience what you believe-unless you don't believe it, in which case the first statement is true- you experience what you believe. "

    Quote from someone- makes sense- don't you think?

    I do believe in the mystical, BTW.

  • logic&reason

    Simon - bravo...

  • Gill

    James - Tesla was looking for means to communicate with the spirit realm when he came up with some of his inventions and ideas along with various other inventors who came up with such things as the TV, radio, etc.

    Science IS the mystical until it is explained.

    We may mock science or we may mock 'the occult' but they are one explaining the other.

    You may well think I'm in cuckoo land, but what I've studied continuously these last few years has perhaps become enmeshed inextricably only to find they are one and the same, but at different ends of the spectrum of understanding.

    What we feel can be as real if not more real than words....and certainly less deceptive.

  • wednesday

    James woods,

    what an adorable story.

  • james_woods

    Gill, that is exactly the Douglas Hofstadter point. And, why he includes the pleasant little Koans I put up earlier.

    He is using the seeming dilemmas of those Koans to illustrate that human language is actually a formal mathematical language of symbols. Being such, it can be used to create total nonsense, of course. But, it can also create things which may sound sort of consistent with material provable fact, but which turn out to be totally unprovable in fact. This is Goedel's Theory - very important in AI and computer science.

    Goedel's theorem simply states that with any such formal system, if sufficiently powerful to be consistent, must contain certain simple and well-ordered propositions or statements that are undecidable (unprovable, or, at first glance whimsical or even nonsensical).

    An example would be - "All Cretins are liars, (where the speaker is himself a Cretin)".

    And thus back again to the original post, if you get my meaning.

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