Who else is on the Disabled List?

by hillbilly 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    Still out of action with a double fracture of the leg... both bones right above the ankle. The incisions are healed up pretty well... see the Doc at the end of the month to see how this recovery will progress.

    Who else is on the sick, injured or crazy list this week?


  • Quirky1

    I'm mentally disabled.

  • momzcrazy

    Waiting on an MRI for my lower back.

    And I am crazy, as ya'll know!


  • Quirky1

    What's up with your lower back momz?

  • middleman

    I still have a herniated disk (L5) in my lower back. I just got off of disability after 8 months but I'm still not better.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hopefully you will have good news from the DR hill

    I'm on disability. While I still have no real diagnosis we at least have found a combination of meds that keeps me comfortable most of the time.

    I still get nights where nothing works and then I am glad no one is around

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Bad Sinus problems here!

  • Velvetann

    I am sorry that some of us are on the disabled list. Hillybilly at least it looks like your disability is not permanent.

    I have become disabled in the past year. Chronic stuff and it sucks big time. I am having trouble accepting it and find it embarrassing and humiliating to suddenly not be able to walk without support.

    I have disc degeneration in the lower back, the cartilidge in between the discs has disintegrated and there is no cushioning so I have severe pain when standing or walking. Sitting is fine thankfully and thats why I sit here on the computer and post on JWD a lot lately.

    In September 07 I had a horrible attack and ended up in hospital paralyzed on my right side, mostly my leg and hand. I was diagnosed with MS. Now I am NOT paralyzed but have problems with my right leg and foot, they don't want to move quickly. Plus I have lost my sense of balance. It could be worse but for someone who used to walk 10 miles a day, hike etc. its pretty tough.

    Thanks for listening


  • momzcrazy
    What's up with your lower back momz?

    I have had problems for a while and last week I bent over the couch and it burst in pain. I was in the ER with it and they want me to go to an orthapedic surgeon. momz

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I have become disabled in the past year. Chronic stuff and it sucks big time. I am having trouble accepting it and find it embarrassing and humiliating to suddenly not be able to walk without support.

    I have been dealing with my chronic problems for 5 years now. Acceptance has taken a long time and I'm still not there yet. But I have stopped hoping for a miraculous cure. I've come to terms with the fact of my old life being gone.

    It could be worse but for someone who used to walk 10 miles a day, hike etc. its pretty tough.

    I used to cycle 100 km 2-3 times a week. I miss it terribly.

    I manage walking in the house but use a power chair to go out. It has saved my sanity and allows me the freedom to remain independant.

    If you need a cane - get one (I have one folding one and two with pretty designs on them) . If you need a walker - get one (I'm thinking of this as an option when I go to visit my daughter in Montreal) . If you need a manual chair or a power chair or scooter get what you need to make your life easier. Mobility devices are no different than glasses or hearing aids. They help us remain independant as much as possible.

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