When you were a Jw did you have a relationship with God?

by Fisherman 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee

    God who?

  • GoingGoingGone

    I tried to have a relationship with God. I tried, and tried, and tried...... I finally figured that there was something wrong with ME, and that's why he wasn't listening.


  • JimmyPage

    See my response to the "Is God your imaginary friend?" thread.

  • reniaa

    Yes and still do but my relationship is based from reading the bible. As I said on other thread faith is the issue, no single religion on this planet works without it.

    I saw a documentary on pentacostal faiths were they had a rock band and people getting all worked up singing and waving hands and afterwards they were all saying they felt the presence of Jesus but the documentary people said the high they were feeling was the sensation you get at any rock concert and they had reinterpreted that high to be holy spirit etc.

    I have a strong sense of jehovah but it is a quiet feeling not intense, I won't say I haven't had my doubts and I don't expect him to drop money on my doorstep. But I don't need the God hands on my shoulder as some seem to need to have before believing these days.

    LOl what would you do if God started talking to you aka burning bush style?

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Simply put... NO - I never understood how one was meant to have such a relationship and I still dont - God is a concept, but not a reality to me.

  • wildfell

    Interesting you should pose this question because when I was a jw I used to wonder where all the Christians were? There seemed to be so many men and women alike who were 'superfine apostles' and obeyed everything the watchtower said, but they overlooked the spirit of the Bible entirely. This forum is full of examples of followers of the watchtower who are hard hearted elders, parents and cold congregations.

    I have observed many people in the org who just follow the governing body and I wonder if that's what they end up having a relationship with?

  • trevor

    As a JW I lived in fear of displeasing the despot called Jehovah.

    This compelled me to become a Pioneer to show my whole souled devotion to him. I found it impossible to Love someone I lived in fear of.

    Now I realise that whatever God is my relation ship is not with him but to him in as much as I am alive and part of the universe.


  • WTWizard

    Yes, but it was nothing like the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger painted it. It was more like I give and He takes, and He does whatever it takes to keep the opposite sex turned off against me (and He still does, as if He is hoping I can be recaptured to do the Value Destroyer Training School/Second Dark Ages assignment).

    Extremely abusive on His part. Never did I feel blessed or that He was actually going to do a fxxxing thing to help me. I am supposed to help Him, though!

    And He wonders why I now side with Satan.

  • CandleLight

    well, I thought I did, but I went about it the wrong way. Witnesses try and have a relationship with God, without opening the door(Jesus). Hard to feel close to someone when the door is closed. I used to only really pray to him when I was desperate. Then I would feel guiltly about only praying when I needed him. A sad meri-go-round.

    Someone posted an observation that they are good at rules and quoteing scriptures but completely loosing the point of them. I think that is very true. Its wasn't until the veil of man's interpatations was lifted, and my "flesh" view put aside, that I could actually visualize the meaning behind the words.

    That didn't happen until I was freed from that religion. Funny isn't it. I would have argued until I was blue in the face, that I knew God and had a relationship with him as a JW. Now, the only color of my face is red with embarrassment in how very wrong I was.


  • Moxie

    Nope, but I wanted to. I never felt I was good enough... not trying hard enough or something.

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