What is the motivation that drives them......?

by lavendar 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Another thought, consider the effect of Cognitive Dissonance.

    A fella saves up for an entire year for the truck of his dreams. He finally gets it, but it constantly breaks down. It turns in to a huge money-pit. Does he admit to family, friends, or himself that he made a huge mistake? Or does he pretend that this lemon is what he really wanted all along?


    The fiercest defenders, sometimes, are those who deep down fear they just made a huge mistake. It's much easier to "go with the flow" than to face that embarrassing detail.

  • nelly136

    probably all the above, but a little greed goes a long way too.

  • jgnat
    greed goes a long way too

    How so for the average witness? The hope of paradise earth? Picking out the mansions of their neighbours that they are going to live in when they are gone?

  • nelly136

    well apart from the house hunting (and yup i remember that well.yuk)

    instead of being satisfied with the normal years and normal lifetime the attainment of everlasting life, extra lifetime, something that billions (everyone destroyed while they watch on in glee) will be denied.

    maybe greed isnt the right word? but anyone who can be beside themselves for a worldwide genocide sacrificing billions of lives so they can play with lions smacks of greed to me.

  • jgnat

    In other words, nelly, Witnesses are using the preaching work like a huge insurance policy. As long as they keep up with the payments (field service) they can reap the reward when they die.

  • jgnat

    In other words, nelly, Witnesses are using the preaching work like a huge insurance policy. As long as they keep up with the payments (field service) they can reap the reward when they die.

  • Switch

    1 - constant pressure to exert themselves vigorously

    2 - status recognition

    3 - love and appreciation for God? vindication of his name?? - not so much. More likely it's just wanting something else from God, which is to live forever in paradise.

    The more I think about what my own motivation was, it really comes down to what I wanted from it all. I can appreciate and be thankful that I was created. Be grateful for the things I have. Heck, I know at some point I felt close enough to God to dedicate myself to him. But how much did I do things out of love for God? If I'm honest with myself, it's most likely I did it for the carrot dangling in front of me - paradise. If you see everything as temporary, then the promise of shortly being in a perfect world is a strong motivator.

  • WTWizard

    The fact that if they don't, Brother Hounder is going to have a little discussion about the need to do more.

  • nelly136

    yup jg could be insurance,theres something about the gloaty smug look they get in their eye when theyre talking about billions dying, its definately not fear.

    last time i saw the look was on one of the rare occassions i was talking to my aunt, she was in ecstatic drool mode over her god cleaning up the dross.

  • jaguarbass

    I was raised in it. So it was a combination of being forced to go to meetings and then being brainwashed that if I didnt obey I would be destroyed in 1975.

    Fortunately they gave me an exit date.

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