What is the dumbest thing you ever did?

by John Doe 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    This may not be my dumbest moment, but I'm sure it ranks pretty high. When I was a young kid, we had a swimming pool. I used to swim just about every day after school. Well, one day I decided I'd take a basketball and hold it under water. It took just about all my weight to hold it 6" under the surface.

    Now, I don't know why, but children seem to realize things are stupid after they've started them. I was no exception. I got the "bright" idea to release the ball and duck before it hit me.

    That brings me to my next observation. Kids have no concept of how fast things move and the time it takes to get out of the way. In my mind I pictured myself ducking and the ball flying right past my head. I remember distinctly looking at the ball, staring it down, and then releasing it. Just as the ball began to slip past my palms, I heard a little voice whispering in the back of my head. "Hey doofus! This is not a good idea!" Of course, it was hard to hear that voice because of the Knight Rider theme song simultaneously playing in my head along with watching the Dukes of Hazard car make a heroic jump. And, come to think of it, I don't think the voice got the entire idea out. It was more like "Hey doofus! Thi. . .AH YOU STUPID JACKASS LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE NOW!"

    Thankfully I have a very hard head and did not lose consciousness. I'm not sure my ego could have taken drowning myself in a wading pool with a basketball. I can, however, tell you first hand that holding a basketball under water and releasing it can cause a severe bloody nose.

    So, what are your dumbest moments?

  • Hope4Others

    Aren't you suppose to be working on a paper? h40

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Nope. My semester obligations were officially over today! Whoopie! ;-)

  • Hope4Others

    Well Congratulations! Are you celebrating, beer, wine? Or what ever!

    I don't think I'd like to say what dumb things I've done, let me think about it first!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    You could tell us about the dumb things your "friends" have done. ;-)

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Actually I wasn't drinking anything but that's not a half bad idea. I've got some peach brandy and some wet wine in the fridge. I could use a couple of shots to help wind me down so I can sleep. ;-)

  • Hope4Others

    Ok give me 5 minutes, going for a glass of wine.


  • Uzzah

    dumbest thing?? hmmm

    Top 10 would include wasting the 30 seconds it took to read this post

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Ha ha, uzzah, did you make a joke? ;-)

  • Hope4Others

    OK, the dumbest thing I ever did deviously was, take the convertible Buick out for a joy ride when my parents had to go back to Canada for

    a funeral. Just had my license barely, came back pulled into the drive way in was on an incline and I hit the dam doors and smashed out some

    slats on it. I was sick about it what the heck was I going to say. I was able to repair the door not too bad and told my dad that I wanted to surprise

    him clean up the car before he got back, thought I was in reverse (hey just got my license don't laugh) and hit the gas by mistake. Anyways

    he bought the story and I never pulled off anything like that off again.

    So are you laughing now?


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