Really, Are Jehovah's Witnesses THAT Different From The Other Religions?

by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamilcarr

    There's no objective standard to determine whether a given groups is a religion or a cult. I think religions are socially sanctioned cults. Struggling with words, isn't it?

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    They are different from the ones I have seen in that they are brutal in their treatment of anything fun.

  • hamilcarr
    They are different from the ones I have seen in that they are brutal in their treatment of anything fun.

    Which ones have you seen? I'd be happy to get introduced to a fun church.

  • Alpaca

    The world's religions/belief systems (atheism included) span the whole spectrum from extremists to those who are tolerant of other beliefs.

    The Dubs are just your basic narrow-minded, apocalyptic Fundies with a twist.

    The scary thing about any brand of religion is the potential to have superstitious belief in the supernatural override reason and logic.

    For what it's worth....



  • stillajwexelder

    Really, Are Jehovah's Witnesses THAT Different From The Other Religions? Yes -

    very few religions are non-trinitarian

    very few do not believe in hell fire

    very few practice shunnig aggressively

    none have a public speaking training program (TMS)

    very few are obsessed about eschatology/chronology

  • Honesty

    I have a direct line to Ted up in NYC.

    He says the Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONLY religion that Jehover has approved.

    That's what he said and it's good enuff 4 me.

    <----------------------------- "Slips into polyester leisure suit and mismatched tie as he runs out the door headed for the nearest kingdom hall."

  • flipper

    MINIMUS- I agree- I think most all religions play mind control games and are cults. I am not religious in even the slightest sense ; I think religion has been the bane of all mankind actually. I lump the witnesses in with all the other mind control cults. Religion has caused way too many problems

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The more I look for diversity in religion, the more sameness I detect. As I turn the resolution down and distance myself, one looks pretty much like another to me.

    But up close, microscopically, the Jw's and some other cultish groups are more dangerous to the membership. The more insular, the more introverted socially. The damage is real from these groups. So in some respects, certain religions can be different enough to bring serious matters to roost for the membership, that more liberal groups would not. Jonestown, Koresh, Hale Bop come to mind as extremes in this regard.


  • Poztate
    The more I read on this site, the more I see that ALL religions think their version of what is right and wrong is what matters. Some punish you now for disobedience to the church's rules and others supposedly give you your reward in the hereafter.

    Yep.... and well should tell them ALL to F@&K off and let us lead our own lives. WE don't need religion...Religion needs us....

  • oompa
    Mini: My bottom line: I'm no lover of any religion. But JWs aren't so unlike a lot of other religions, really.Religions and sects cause divisions.

    Mini.....say it aint so!!!! The level of contol and the amount of open judgementalness is far worse with JW over Catholics. JW control is much closer to the Hassidic Jews, Mormans, Amish, and hardcore least we are not cutting off body parts and beheading people...............oompa

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