Fantasizing about the end of the Jehovah's Witnesses?

by Bring_the_Light 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bring_the_Light

    I'm pretty new here. after being on my own 10 years, I'm finally coming to grips with my past (which I previously just ignored/didn't think about). Thanks for existing everyone, its been very existential.

    This phenomena of hearing other people chant my own thoughts with the same amount of aggrivation and angst has me thinking about things totally different. I'm fantasizing about the end of the Jehovah's Witness religion or at least an extreme retraction which will lead to a big "BOOYAH" to race through my heart. I know everyone predicts its on the rocks, how rational is that? I really see hope for being around to watch it all come apart. More hope than I ever personally held for Armageddon coming in my lifetime.

    So, should all we Ex-JW's be preparing for the "mini-Armageddon", ready to comfort and protect the swarms falling out of the flock soon? or is it realistic to think this crap will just grind on until "time indefinite"?


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I wouldn't waste the emotional energy mate. The dubbies will be around for quite a lot longer yet. They are contracting very slowly and will not crash suddenly. Better to find more pleasant things to fantasize about.

  • avengers

    Don't waste your time. Go have fun.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    If those of you who are out fantacize about it imagine how those are still in feel about it?! Wouldn't it be fantastic to remove the Hobson's choice of DA or fade?

    I think it will be around for a good while yet but will change at an unprecedented rate. The only way to have an impact is to drain them financially. Law suits and more law suits.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Unfortunately, the high control group that is Jehovah's Witnesses seems to be quite good at changing. And if it continues to change it will be able to last quite a bit longer.

    It's natural that we want the world to be as we think it should be. As babies we have to learn that this isn't always the case, even within our own little worlds. Humans have an amazing capacity to believe in bullshit, and will do for a while yet. But I can't help hoping that the WTS will fade and die sooner rather than later, too (and that goes for all organised religion).

    Education is a key factor in stopping the recruitment of more victims. If the public knew of the organisations history, and had more knowledge about the literature in the bible, it would be nearly impossible for JW's to dupe people. Every so often I have thoughts of designing a leaflet for distribution across the UK. I'd enjoy writing and producing it; only hitch is the small detail of money to produce and distribute it.

  • lisavegas420

    I think there will always be JW's. Just like Pastor Charles Taze Russell, still has Bible Students that believe.


  • freedomfighter

    Would like to see it in my lifetime. Maybe i will or maybe not. The organisation has some great catch phrases to keep it alive. As we kmow " The Light Gets Brighter"( We can change doctrine and make up rules as we see fit) The men in the org are "imperfect"( The men make mistakes but won't admit them or say sorry to those they have hurt). It is " The Truth" ( If we keep calling it The Truth, then it MUST be!)etc I'd rather fantasize about many other things. FF

  • WTWizard

    The sooner they are destroyed as an organization, the better. However, something tells me that they might not go down as quickly as I hoped for.

    There are several possibilities. The one I am hoping for is that a "secret society" (as well as several independents) write articles and books that expose the whole Bible as bunk. These need to direct people to what the Bible is saying, totally free of any mysticism that the churches have put on it. If this goes mainstream, the witlesses are going to have a miserable time finding new recruits. And they might even end up in the Ostracism Wasteland, where the whole religion will implode like the other suicide cults.

    Another is that no such book is forthcoming, or that such books will fail to become mainstream. At which point, the witlesses will continue to struggle but have limited success in getting new suckers in. Quite a few will leave, but enough will stay to keep the cancer alive. They will continue pestering people and grow increasingly oppressive. People will live like that for a while, and splinter groups will grow off from this cult.

    The most frightening one is that they find a few men with no prospects of the opposite sex, that are quite intelligent. These people are recaptured and forced back into the misery with severe brainwashing tactics (beyond the hypnosis and scamming methods that have failed). They will be forced to pioneer for a time until they are appointed as assistant hounders. Then, they will be shepherded into the Value Destroyer Training School, given impossible workloads and forced to complete them, the Washtowel Slaveholdery will get the critical mass, and we will all be forced into their Dark Ages world.

    Let's hope the first of these possibilities is the truth.

  • Aleman

    There is a prophesy in the book of Revalation where the Lamb of God will be attacked but it can't be defeted. The WT believes that since the real Lamb of God can't be seen or reached, It really means that the bros. and sis. in the org. are the ones who will be attacked around the world and they can't get defeted because the true Lamb of God is with them. So perhaps you will see them attacked yet not to end the JWs. After this, the prophesy continues, it is said that all other religions are them going to get attacked and they will be defeted and completely vanquished from existence due to the lies the teach and the hypocracy they allow. Babilon the Great will fall!

    To know if this is the true interpitation of this symbolism means we have to wait and see if this is what happens. Besides, it is human tendancy to try to investigate everything that exists around us using common scientific sence, like the examples of discovering new technology, how things work, the show 'Ghost Hunters', etc. Never in our life have we had this much information out on the world as we have now. Thanks w.w.w.


  • easyreader1970

    I have a question:

    In the history of mankind, has there ever been a denomination, religion, or religious organization that had as many members as the JWs have currently that ceased to function as that denomination, religion, or religious organization, losing all power?

    I am just wondering if it is even believable that the JWs as an organization could just vanish into thin air. It seems like the more likely event is that they fracture and split into at least two if not more smaller parts and smaller organizations.

    Likely one organization will still claim to be led by the "faithful and discreet slave". Many of the old time, hardcore Witnesses will stay in that thinking that it is Jehovah's channel. Others will choose less rigid organizations who will still claim to be led by Jehovah but in some different way.


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