Latest Witness comments about no more Bookstudy- Rejoicing and happy????

by Witness 007 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • still_in74
    My "anionted" mum said: "Well, for people with a spritual hunger it's was not a burden..."

    so is she inferring that the GB knows that the majority of JW's are not spritually hungry ?

  • changeling
    Just a year ago the C.O told us that the bookstudy was the "most important of all us for the Great Tribulation

    Yeah, that was the official stand for many, many years.

    In fact, I mentioned to my Dad that in view of that stand, I was surpised that, of all meetings. they would do away with the BS. I said that I would have gotten rid of the public talk. His response was: "They will never get rid of that because the speakers count their time". How do you like like that coming from a long tome. faithful elder?

    changeling :)

  • BurnTheShips

    Maybe I am running ahead of the Organization, but I stopped going last year!

    In fact, I am running ahead of the Organization now, I stopped going to the other two meetings also!

    Is 'Hober angry with me?

  • Rethinking

    Someone please clarify this if incorrect.

    Aren't elders allowed to "count" time for public talk and bookstudy because it is "teaching the congregation"? Now with the public talk time cut shorter and the bookstudy eliminated altogether next year, won't they have to get out "in the field" to get their required hours? A great majority of them won't be able to cut it.

    (Oh snap! I just heard something on Family Guy about "Jemima's Witnesses" when a lady said "Y'all want some pancakes?")

  • willyloman
    I said that I would have gotten rid of the public talk. His response was: "They will never get rid of that because the speakers count their time".

    Officially, it is not permissible to count time at either of these meetings.. However, I know that many elders did count at least some of those hours - or at the very least, used them to "round up" so their numbers would not attract any attention from the CO or other elders.

    I know some elders counted any time they spent witnessing in front of anyone not baptized. If there were unbaptized kids at the book study, that's an hour right there. Public talk? Hey, if I'm teaching the "public," that's service time. Lots of elders don't study with their kids but because their wives read the kids a bedtime story from the literature, he'd claim four hours every month in the form of a family study. They had to do that, because an elder could not admit he didn't study with his family. However, very few did; there just wasn't time.

    I knew one elder who always volunteered to give talks at out-of-town congregations. He made it known that if you had such an assignment and something came up at last minute, he'd fill in for you on short notice. Loved to travel? No. Turned out he was counting his travel hours. He'd "start his time" in some makeshift fashion. Then jump in the car, drive 100 miles to the Podunk Congregation, deliver a talk, drive home, and chalk up 5 or 6 hours! He told me this with a straight face, explaining how hard it was to get in pioneer hours and still be an elder. His view was that Jehovah didn't expect him to work for nothing. At the time, I told myself he was the exception. I came to realize he was not alone in his fuzzy math.

    Further proof that the whole "billions of hours a year in the preaching work" myth is dub b.s.

  • Bring_the_Light

    Jemima Witness (kinda lame, not Family Guy)

  • shopaholic

    All the JW's I know are OVERJOYED!!! I received a number of text messages and calls from across the country and everyone was very happy and relieved. No one I know is planning to use it for service or personal study. University courses and recreation were at the top everyone's list. One friend told me that with the extra free night, she will now have time to get MBA...LOL

  • moshe

    Get rid of the last evening meetings and then the JW's can go get a evening janitorial job.

  • loosie

    I asked my friend who is still in what she would do with the time and she said she would study the literature. I told her I was going to make tues night night nite with hubby. I failed to mentions that it has been date with hubby for 4 years. lmbo

  • tijkmo

    i said at dinner this evening to my family that it was strange that petrol (gas) prices have always been higher in europe than u.s. (we currently paying around $10 dollars a gallon) but as soon as petrol (gas) prices hit £3.50 in u.s jah decides that it is time to drop a meeting. my ma said well we dont know what is going to happen to oil in the future.(as if the gb do)

    i said yeah but in africa they are still expected to traverse crocodile infested rivers to get to the meetings.

    and she said yeah well at least they dont have to do it so often now.

    you have to laugh really dontcha.. i mean you just gotta.

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