Which MALE body type do you prefer?

by ItsJustMe 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • ItsJustMe

    Also.....he can't be afraid of an intellegent, uninhibited woman. He has to have something to teach me and be willing to learn a thing or two from me.

    It also helps a whole bunch if he's nice to my friends!

  • conflicted

    I'll just put my description out there - I'm sure someone will dig it.

    6'2", 240 lbs (that's 17 stone), wide shoulders and chest, brown hair, green eyes. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm fat, but beer is a good friend to me.

    BTW, I've been told I'm a good kisser, and I've got relatively soft hands (and know how to use them).

    Unfortunately, my wife doesn't like competition, and I like my face the way it is, so I won't take any offers too seriously

  • peaceloveharmony

    oh where to begin:

    should be taller than me by at least two inches
    blonde, brunette, redhead...doesn't matter
    long hair, short hair, bald...doesn't matter
    i've found myself attracted to all body types. i've dated thin boys, stocky boys, tall and muscular boys, tall and thin boys.

    the body is not the most important thing to me on a man. i like good eyes, good teeth, a great smile, a wonderful sense of humor, a great kisser (guys, a good kisser is uber sexy. if you can make a girl melt with your kiss...mmm). i like fun guys that don't try to stifle me or my hyperness.

    so as far as body types go...i guess you could say i'm an equal oppurtunity gal although i have to say i'm not attracted to very heavy or overweight guys (although a little pot belly is fine) i like guys that look healthy.


    Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley

  • Prisca

    What is your obsession with me, mommy? Are you really that bitter and nasty to have to continue your bitchiness towards me in a totally unrelated thread?

    sheesh..... [8>]

  • Fredhall


    I'm a sexy cat.

  • Mindchild

    Conflicted!!! I'm shocked by your shamless marketing...you scoundrel you! Good thing you are on a short leash! LOL

    Simon, how dare you suggest that I use doctored pictures of Tom Cruise...that dude is using doctored pics of me! Come to think of it you look a little bit like Tom yerself mate!

    Skipper (in the Tom Cruise wannabe class)

    "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings." - William Shakespeare

  • conflicted

    Fred, like Catwoman? That was one sexy cat (((((())))))

    Ooops, I forgot, this is for the ladies.

  • peaceloveharmony

    forgot to add, i like a nice ass! and big hands! oh yes, a nice plus there...

  • Prisca

    I also like a firm, smooth back! I love running my hands down a guy's back, feeling his muscles and contours....

  • mommy

    Okay wasting another post here...I ran out yesterday so I am counting them today. teehee

    Prisca, I was joking I only mentioned that because you on a few occasions have commented on my hormones and how they make me react. No obsession, just good old fashion fun. I am sorry if I offended you, that wasn't my intent.

    Please everyone carry on with the fun now

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

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