Coming to a KH near you...the generation/new light WT

by Mickey mouse 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Plummet

    Somebody Needs To Make A T-Shirt Or Tie That Reads

    I Survived The 1995 2008 Generation Change!

  • sandy

    Does anyone have a scan of the WT? Is there a thread here with one?

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Somebody Needs To Make A T-Shirt Or Tie That Reads

    I Survived The 1995 2008 Generation Change!


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    WTW: Funny, we knew about it as apostates for several months before they found about it at the Kingdumb Hell.

    Yeah, I agree. I found out about this when I first started checking out apostate sites 2 weeks ago. When I met up with my elders last week to tell tham I didn't want to be a JW anymore, I mentioned this "new light" as one of my many reasons. Neither of the 2 elders knew about this new understanding yet! They had no clue that there was new light on the generation issue. But like Homer said, they will probably eat this up like ice cream... AaG

  • Rapunzel

    In regard to the Witnesses' notion of "new light," isn't it true that they have distorted the very scriptural passage itself? I mean, does the bible passage that they so constantly evoke really speak of new light? Doesn't it, in fact, speak of a light that gets brighter and brighter? Not to nit-pick here, but are not the two ideas - that of new light, and of an old light which constantly grows brighter - rather different? Moreover, does the passage in question even have to do with doctrine or doctrinal changes? Could someone please cite the passage to which the Witnesses allude when they speak of "new light?" And could somebody please quote a few surrounding verses - both before and after? I would be interested in reading the surrounding context of the verse in question. Thank you.

  • VM44

    Has someone put this "Generation New Light" Watchtower online?

  • logic

    The shaded box in that study article " can we calculate the length of this generation" says regarding the length of a generation, " the exact length of that time cannot be stated except that it does have an end and would not be excessively long." I guess that over 2000 years is not excessively long. The society has done it again , never making any sense. If the apostles he was talking to were the first annointed and there is no limit of the time for the annointed to be chosen (their new light) then just how long will this so called generation last. Will a million years be excessively long.

    The more they screw around with this generation thing the worse it gets.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    14Into the path of the wicked ones do not enter, and do not walk straight on into the way of the bad ones. 15 Shun it, do not pass along by it; turn aside from it, and pass along. 16 For they do not sleep unless they do badness, and their sleep has been snatched away unless they cause someone to stumble. 17 For they have fed themselves with the bread of wickedness, and the wine of acts of violence is what they drink. 18 But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. 19 The way of the wicked ones is like the gloom; they have not known at what they keep stumbling.

    20 My son, to my words do pay attention. To my sayings incline your ear. 21 May they not get away from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart. 22 For they are life to those finding them and health to all their flesh. 23 More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life. 24 Remove from yourself the crookedness of speech; and the deviousness of lips put far away from yourself. 25 As for your eyes, straight ahead they should look, yes, your own beaming eyes should gaze straight in front of you. 26 Smooth out the course of your foot, and may all your own ways be firmly established. 27 Do not incline to the right hand or to the left. Remove your foot from what is bad.

    Cited from Prov Ch 4, NWT....

    Yeah, I agree, the light should be brighter and brighter, not a zigzag, lighter, then dimmer, then brighter again...


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    Now they can justify the end not coming and the appearance of new anointed ones in one fell swoop.


  • Galileo
    18 But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. 19 The way of the wicked ones is like the gloom; they have not known at what they keep stumbling.

    Assuming this scripture is referring to scriptural knowledge (which is a big assumption), which of the two groups does the WTS more closely resemble? Have they simply gotten a clearer view of the path, a more detailed understanding of truth, over time? Or have they stumbled around, offering "new light" (a phrase that doesn't appear in this passage at all) that is one hundred eighty degrees the opposite of what they were teaching before? "This generation" was the annointed alive in 1914, then they were the wicked generation that saw the signs but took no note, now they are the annointed again, but without the time constraint. Personally, I have never seen the sun come partially up, then go back down, then come up on the opposite side. Isn'the day supposed to be "firmly estabished" at some point?

    When I was about eleven or twelve years old, I was having a conversation with my mother and my older brother about how we know this is the truth. I mentioned that one reason I believed was that they had made a prophecy that could be tested; i.e; if they were right, the end would come before some specific cutoff point in the future (I said 2014, since the current understanding was that the "generation" would have had to b old enough to understand the events of 1914, say, 4 or 5, so in 2014 their would be very few if any left). I said if they were wrong, they would have to change their interpretation as that date approached, and everyone would know that they were liars. I was rather proud of this line of reasoning, and the faith it instilled in me, the fact tha they were so sure they would make testable claims. My mother was rather horrified. She proceeded to drill it into my head about "new light", that baically they can change anything at anytime and that doesn't mean they were ever wrong (not her exact words, of course). I put it out of my mind, but it sure came rushing back in 1995.

    One thing you can always count on with the Society's "new light": it goes away from a testable claim towards a more ephemeral one, to the point now that they no longer make a single claim about the future that can be empirically tested. Clever buggers.

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