Were You Ever Counseled Because Of What You Wore (or didn't)?

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX

    Towards the end - the last assembly I attended... I used to help out with adjusting the mics on the platform for the speakers.

    Well... I hadn't been to a barber shop in a while, I guess, and my hair had gotten a bit longish and ragged.

    The fella in charge got read the riot act I suppose, cause he came over and told me that they couldn't use my help at that assembly. This was on a Saturday - and all barber shops were closed - or getting ready to close - and none would be open on Sunday.

    I just turned beet red and slunked away - never to return.

    I wonder if them folks ever remember that they really hurt someone's feelings.

    Oh well. It's all good. I wear my hair however I want now-a-days - even tho it's usually short - sometimes I let it get long... my wife wants me to let it grow.

    Other than that - I never got told nuttin... I wore mix-matched suits that I bought with what little money I earned - so I know that I wasn't up to their 'standards'. I guess they didn't bother me cuase I wasn't part of the 'in' crowd and wasn't going to go very far anyway.


    Jim TX

  • A.Fenderson

    <on topic for zombie thread>

    Yes, it's called a beard--I got "a talkin' to" by the elders, and was read an anecdote about how one brother with a beard was mistaken at the door during FS for a college-student protester. Because that tends to happen when you're wearing a shirt and tie and going to people's doors.

    </on topic for zombie thread>

    Page 3....Read Johnny Cip/ Judge Rutherfraud's account of how he's praising his mother.....

    I know I shouldn't ask, but what prompted this? The story does have the ring of imagination to it, but....?

  • lrkr

    The great fashion issue at Bethel was always jeans and shorts. At the farm we would wear jeans or shorts when "off duty"- but Brooklyn had a strict policy that in their lobbies- dress clothes only!! Us farm boys didn't know any better- so we would walk into one of the Brooklyn lobbies wearing shorts. It totally steamed the lobby duty brothers!! Once we figured out that they had no real power and just had pulled a weekend "duty" to get out of work during the week, it became kind of fun to watch them get all steamed up over our clothes. (Whadda ya gonna do- arrest us?? You dont even know our names and we'll be upstate in the morning!!!) Then someone bumped the issue up to the administration departments and there were morning worship comments about proper attire in Brookllyn lobbies. Game over!

    What a waste of energy!!!!

  • Gayle

    I was the labeled the "hippy" pioneer in the late '60s because I wore 'to the knee' snow boots, which no JW gals did then. People gave somewhat accusing remarks but I would just smile back & claim I was the only one that was warm in service.

  • crazy2try

    goodness....some of this is so funny.

    Over the past two years of our fading, I have allowed my son to grow his hair the way he wants. It is now pretty long, it covers his ears and touches the collar on his shirts in the back. We attened the Memorial and nobody said anything to us. I am sure they were talking about it later.

    As far as our clothes when I grew up. There was a lot of counsel from the stage about modest dress. But I found that there were several people in our hall who wore some odd stuff and still do. I admired them for their choices and not conforming to the JW norm. The hall I attened was pretty strick on hair styles.

    I married and moved out West and found that the hall we attened was not as strict when it came to the Hair. I realized it was a matter of who was in the halls and who really cared. I always made sure that I didn't have to much leg exposed, but I wore those tight dresses that had the slit and I cn guarantee you that when my JW boyfriend was looking I let him take a peek at my thigh. I love to watch his eyes light up. Goodness that was a long time ago.

  • JRK

    Oh God, yes! Me, wearing an Armani suit, being counseled by an elder in a $49 piece of shit. Because I didn't look like him. I didn't want to.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    The halls out west are much more lenient in their clothing rules than the eastern congregations. There were CO's that were transfered from east to west and their "rules" didn't go over too well. My mom got counselled a few times because her sun dress was too long. It was modest! What the hell did they want?!

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