BIG NEWS - UK Gov't to Stop Watchtower Blood Teaching?

by skeeter1 50 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • JH

    "There is no evidence that our view on blood causes any damage.”
    I have to give blood cause I have too much Iron in my blood, so it's bad for my health if I don't.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the giving or receiving of blood is wrong in any circumstances

    Then why do they accept blood fractions

  • AlphaOmega

    I have spoken with the Commission and they are interested in the aspect of witholding medical treatment for children.

    I mentioned the issue of Awake that glorifies those children that have died and they said that they were interested in seeing it.

    It would be good if we could collate on this thread as many quotes as we can that are related to the public benefit/detriment issues of the document.

    I'm happy to scan anything I have and post it here.

    They are also happy to accept e-mails with PDF attachments of Watchtower literature.

    The consultation closes at the end of June this year. If you would like a response, you are asked to indicate this on your letter.

  • AlphaOmega

    Edited - found what I was looking for.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    MidwichCuckoo old link (2000), but well worth reading...

  • cyber-sista

    Besides the blood issue. What about their teachings of inequality of women? Their largely distributed "hate" literature towards those of other religions, beliefs, etc (all those not JWs). The list goes on..

    I don't know the exact tax laws of the US, but if getting a tax free status depends on an organization meeting a certain criteria, such as charitable works, doing something for the public good, etc.... I wonder how quickly the WT would shed some new light on these issues if they didn't get their tax breaks because of them?

    Oh poop, just looked it up. Looks like the WT org is following the US governments rules exactly.

    However the IRS does have a list of criteria that they use to determine whether or not an organization should be granted tax free status. Those criteria are:
    1. a distinct legal existence,
    2. a recognized creed and form of worship,
    3. a definite and distinct ecclesiastical government,
    4. a formal code of doctrine and discipline
    5. a distinct religious history,
    6. a membership not associated with any other church or denomination,
    7. an organization of ordained ministers,
    8. ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed studies,
    9. a literature of its own,
    10. established places of worship,
    11. regular congregations,
    12. regular religious services,
    13. schools for religious instruction of the young,
    14. school for the preparation of its ministers.

    Guess they've got their bases covered. At least here in the US.

  • sf

    Do you hear It Ted?

    Do you even know what It is you are listening for?

    When you hear It, you WILL know.


  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    I have sent a letter by email to the Charity Commission.

    Quoting the Blood brochure, 1994 Awake magazine and case law (both UK and European Court of Human Rights).

    will see what happens!

    Enjoying Freedom

  • anglise


    Dont want this to drop out of sight too soon


  • uwishufish

    This issue could be a major factor in wts's downfall. Which would be govt. wanting it's piece of the jw $ pie.

  • besty


    I think we should keep this debate going. Any more thoughts on:

    E4. Principle 1c Benefits must be balanced against any detriment or harm

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