Am I an idiot??? - ok, don't answer that... but, seriously... I've....

by cognac 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    noticed that I'm seeing all these things that I didn't see before... Like when the wt or Revelaton book states something, or when the bible states something... I mean, I never noticed this many things before... Before, I noticed only a few major doctrine issues. But, now, I'm noticing things ALL THE TIME...

    I mean, I'm trying to take a break. I'm trying to not pay attention... But, they are saying things that really piss me off and I'm wondering to myself, what the hell was wrong with me... How did I not notice it before??? I mean, I'd like to think I'm intelligent. I just don't get how I didn't notice these things...

    I know everyone is telling me to calm down and breath... And I do!!! I've even stopped studying, I just got tired of it. I'm even trying not to pay attention to everything that's said at the meetings... But, hell, how can I keep quite when even listenning partially??? I was not made to do this. I can't not say anything... I mean, I will try to say things in a not so in your face kind of way, but I am not the type of person to not speak my mind...

    Well, since I'm on a total freaken rant... I wonder if I'm backing off from my husband because I think he will leave me when he finds out fully what I feel??? I wonder if I'm setting myself up emotionally to lose everyone knowing that I can't do this... I can't keep quite... I wonder if I'm already leaving him emotionally thinking he's gonna leave me based on the way he's reacted to some things I've said...

    Ok, that's it, I'm done...

  • dinah

    Cognac, I was duped for 30 years. Even after leaving at 18, the mindset stayed. Reading the bible alone really helped me about as much as reading CoC. Brother Franz just told me what I had figured out. He just gave us alot of behind the scenes story.

    Keep reading, but only when you feel like it. Don't push yourself. When you want to read, then read. If you don't feel like, don't feel forced to read.

  • cognac
    Keep reading, but only when you feel like it. Don't push yourself. When you want to read, then read. If you don't feel like, don't feel forced to read.

    Yes, good advice... If I read anymore I might really go off the deep end... (And you guys thought I was already off the deep end... lol)

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    You are waking up, my dear.

    It can be a bit scary. You'll go through a roller coaster of emotions.

    If you are an open minded free thinking person, once the fog lifts ....WOW does it ever lift! I can soooo relate to what you are saying!

    Once the blindfold has been removed you start to notice all the bologna (being polite tonight).

    Tread carefully my friend....with knowledge comes responsibility - weigh all your options before you shout from the mountaintops what you now know.

    Peace to you.

    The Oracle

  • dinah

    Cognac, you seem to be where I was about 6 years ago.

    Stay grounded, and if you don't feel like reading just pray. For a couple of years all I said was a"thank you for my life although I don't understand why............" My prayers were mostly telling God what I couldn't tell anyone else, my innermost thoughts, fears, apirations.

    Take a break and digest what you have figured out. It takes time. A whole lifetime of learning (or being taught) does't crumble without some ripples.

  • Gopher

    You're not an idiot. No way. Here's the most important thing:

    “This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

    (William Shakespeare)

  • OnTheWayOut

    Your whole life was built around "the truth" which turned out to be "the lie."
    You are not alone, dearie. It took some getting used to.

    Your brain was starving for real knowledge. It takes some feeding before it
    tapers, but it tapers.

    From your short time here, it sounds like hubby ain't a very gung-ho JW, so
    your transition shouldn't be too difficult with him. If he doesn't like being clubbed
    over the head with what you learn, just ease into it. Soon, he'll tire of any
    pretense and before you know it, you will be voting, trick-or-treating, buying lottery
    tickets. (Well, living normally in your own ways, anyway.)

  • sass_my_frass

    Hold on for a little while longer. The anger and shock will fade, and you'll be able to handle a lot of ugly situations more rationally. Take your time. Apparently, in time it will be a really very tiny deal.

  • StAnn

    Poor Cognac. I remember sitting in the KH and the elder gave a talk. He mentioned how now when we go door to door it's hard to find people home. Why? What does the society tell us? The Society Says, "If they're not home, they're somewhere else." Oooh. He nodded his head and acted like he'd just read the most profound statement of his life. I literally burst out laughing. I just couldn't help it. Of course they're somewhere else, you idiots! They're at work, where you SHOULD be1 That was one of the reasons I quit going back to the Hall, because something was unleashed that night and I just couldn't sit there with my mouth shut anymore.

    Tread lightly. You and your husband are a team. Hopefully, if you sit down with him and really, really pour your heart out, making sure he knows that you value and love him and you aren't attacking him, the two of you can move forward together.

  • WTWizard

    No, you are not an idiot. The Watchtower Society deliberately held back information that they knew you would need to make a proper decision, and you made what you thought was the right decision based on what they wanted you to know. Then, once you made that decision, they made it impossible for you to leave and take the bad move back. Worse, they insist on "marrying in the Lord" and bringing your parents and relatives into the cancer, which would make it all the harder to leave. And they knew it--but you didn't.

    The doctrinal lies were so well protected by other lies that one cannot blame a member for believing them. The Trinity is one of them. They even tampered with the Bible itself, and then initiated fraud to get people to believe their lies with specious logic. And they continually reiterate their lies. Any discussion beyond that little circle is forbidden. It is no wonder you could not see the lies.

    Before I looked at my first apostate Web site (and I had been inactive for better than a year), I did not know:

    • Christmas is a scripturally approved holiday (Luke 2:10-14)
    • Birthdays are also approved. Perfect angels celebrated a birthday (that of Christ), and they did not get in trouble.
    • Field circus is not necessary for salvation (Ephesians 2:8,9)
    • The witlesses had a major problem with pedophiles in the ranks. Their efforts to hide this rivaled the Catholic Church.
    • 1975 was not the first fouled prediction. They did that before in 1874, 1914, 1925, and 1941. Worse, they did encourage people to sell out for 1975. All I heard was that people read too much into 1975,
    • The Watchtower Society was a NGO member of the organization that they bashed so much: the UN.
    • Rutherford was a drunkard (and the Bible explicitly condemns drunkards). He was also not railroaded on criminal charges--he deserved to rot in prison.

    How can anyond find out the real truth as long as one does not use independent sources to research the Bible, the New World Translation, or Watchtower doctrine? You can't, and they know it. Hence, they banned it and cracked down this past September. This assures them that anyone that obeys them will never find out what is really going on. Those who do disobey and use independent research sources will be threatened with getting disfellowshipped for "apostasy". They have a death sentence, plus busting up families, to force them into going along with the Tower.

    Now, you might be turned off by the Bible. Aside the Bible, I highly recommend looking through the Internet for sources like Aristotle's philosophy and Ayn Rand. There are a number of good research projects about this (I think you will like it if you ever find the core of Aristotle's philosophy--it's about freedom's being liberating). If you can find books by Eric Savage online, you can read those as you see fit. That will give you a new perspective about being happy and fulfilled versus stagnant and enslaved to let others do your thinking. Then, you might be able to re-read the Bible or portions thereof and draw your own conclusions.

    Perhaps a search of the word "Atheism" on Google is in order. There are a ton of sources there that will help you make up your own mind. You can also look up other churches--totally without having to join or commit yourself to believing any one of them. I recommend doing research on several, including the Catholic and several Protestant denominations, as you see fit. But, do not make any commitment either for a church or for atheism until you have done enough research to validate such commitment.

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