I Pondered God's Existence Today, and

by journey-on 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on


    That's an interesting way to look at it, too.

    I read somewhere that the human brain contains approximately the same number of neurons as the

    number of galaxies in the universe. Interesting, uh? (As in the macrocosm, so in the microcosm.)

  • journey-on
    After I suffered a breakdown in 2005, I had trouble remembering my phone number!

    Sorry to hear that Snowbird. You are as sharp as a tack to me and I always enjoy your posts. I hear that

    these things can come back over time, so stay optimistic and exercise that brain!!!....lol. Cheers.

  • Gopher


    That's a thought-provoking post, and believe me I have some thoughts. I cannot possibly ask all the questions I have about your opening post, but I will pose one.

    You said the creator is beyond anything we can imagine. Yet knowing him produces positives, including "understanding our fellow man a little better".

    How specifically can the higher consciousness obtained from some relationship with a far-beyond-imagination god help us understand our fellow man? Am I blind to humanity if I'm not plugged into a god?

  • Undecided

    How do you chose which God to believe in??? All different religions believe in some type of God who is more powerful than us humans. Why doesn't God give us some positive evidence what he wants us to do for him. Should we just go door to door and tell the poor people that if they don't do this too they will be destroyed by this loving God? The bible says if we aren't called by him we are out of luck, just another Goat.

    Some religions say we will be tormented forever in a burning hell if we aren't saved by Jesus, or God or the Holy Spirit, since they are all the same person. To be saved all you have to do is believe in something with out any evidence, just some writtings of men.

    I'm waiting for some pull by God to get me going.

    Ken P.

  • DoomVoyager

    [quote]Because it does affect your life. By tapping into that Higher Consciousness, you may be able to taste a bit of the godly. Become more inspired Become more creative Develop more love and joy Understand your fellowman a little better Be more open to learning new things Become more appreciative of Life itself Recognize that you yourself are a tool by which the Universal Intelligence experiences this physical plane. (And countless other positives)[/quote] I can do all of these things without the needless complication of introducing some abstract god into my life.

  • journey-on

    That's a thought-provoking post, and believe me I have some thoughts. I cannot possibly ask all the questions I have about your opening post, but I will pose one.

    You said the creator is beyond anything we can imagine. Yet knowing him produces positives, including "understanding our fellow man a little better".

    How specifically can the higher consciousness obtained from some relationship with a far-beyond-imagination god help us understand our fellow man? Am I blind to humanity if I'm not plugged into a god?

    Here's the way I see it, Gopher. Mankind is in its infancy as far as being able to comprehend... much less. communicate with this Eternal One. But, I believe the EO is a positive/active/creative force and its nature

    is Love and Light. Just like harmonic resonance, if you attune yourself with these higher vibrations of Love and Light, you will feel a physical change toward a more loving, patient, kind, and benevolent

    understanding of our fellow man. If you feel this way, whether you "believe" in God or not is irrelevant. The higher vibrations will affect the changes and you will be attuned to it whether you name it or not.

    Our evolution --- physical, emotional, and spiritual --- will develop along these lines of vibration, so it's important to live your life in harmony with this Love and Light.

    The word, "God", gets in the way sometimes because in man's spiritual evolution, he has painted all sorts of pictures and descriptions of what he supposes God is and it taints what understanding we currently

    might be able to have of this power.

  • journey-on
    Why doesn't God give us some positive evidence what he wants us to do for him.

    We don't have to do anything for "Him". Live your life with love.....love your creator with your whole heart, soul, strength, and mind,

    and love your neighbor as yourself. I believe mankind has created all sorts of stories and fears to explain and/or keep man within

    certain boundaries of behavior. What has evolved is this horrible judgmental vicious god that is going to punish you for every wrong

    you ever did, or reward you for your good deeds.

    I believe in Karma......the good you do comes back to you and the bad you do comes back on top of you. But this is a natural Law

    not some punishment/reward system from some Sky Daddy God.

  • TopHat

    True God does great and wonder inspiring creations but if you read the Bible he also does some very unnerving things as well. Which is very hard for me to understand.

  • jaguarbass

    Good post. I was reading something along these lines last week.

    If man were to detect radion waves from outer space they would take that to be a sign of life.

    God the creator gave us a sign of his presence by the creation of us and the world and universe. He has communicated with us.

    The general communications are easy to decipher the personal ones are harder to pick up and interpret.

  • jstalin

    God does not exist because one cannot simultaneously be both omnipotent and omniscient.

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