APOSTASCOTLAND! 4th to 6th APRIL 2008 - Details

by Sirona 71 Replies latest members meetups

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    So how will we recognise each other in the pub on Friday at 5-6pm?

    Should we take our song books? ;)

  • diamondblue1974

    Eyes Open this is a really good idea - it would be good to have someone central that can coordinate everyones whereabouts.

    As you all probably know I will be staying home with Dawn as she rests - if you could PM Eyes Open with mobiles that would be excellent.

    I would hate for anyone to miss out on such wholesome fellowship LOL.

    Gary /|\

  • ninja

    I don't have a mobile phone......I'll just look for a bunch of ne'er do wells in the jolly judge...... my brother in law and I will be there......ninja

  • Sirona

    Put a watchtower mag on the table LOL

    Still resting, feeling OK though and no pains (apart from the bloody hips!)

    Having a scan next week.


  • free2think

    I hope the scan goes well Sirona.

  • scotsman

    I'll try and drop by the Jolly Judge for a swift pint this eve. If you see me, wave - shaved head, big glasses. kinda gay lol.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Watchtower mag, eh? :) Too late - I didn't bring one and I'm now in my B&B.

    I'll be in jeans, a yellow t-shirt and a leather jacket. Looking forward to seeing you guys.

    Glad to hear you're resting and feeling okay Sirona.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Well that was great! :)

    AlphaOmega and I had some fun asking everyone we could find in the pub if they were here for the internet forum meetup, but it wasn't until later that IT Support and another ex-JW friend of his who I understand doesn't post here much now walked in and looked at us long enough to make us think they were looking for someone.

    It was the first time I'd talked to anyone face to face that had spent time in/with the organisation and had since stopped doing so, and it was a very enjoyable experience. Very interesting to hear the experiences of life in general and the WTS. We ended up at an Italian restaurant and enjoyed some nice pizzas and red wine. Looking forward to meeting up again tomorrow at the Jolly Judge at 6pm and also meeting those who couldn't make tonight.

    I'll be in jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket.

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    A thoroughly good evening!

    Friendly faces, lively conversation with the occasional hilarity, like when AlphaOmega approached a couple of guys in the corner and got 'queer' looks when he asked if they were here for the get-together!

    AlphaOmega and Eyes Open are thoughtful, informed, intelligent people and we had a great time. Thanks guys.

    Sorry, I can't post the official photos as we all have reasons not to be publicly identified.

    (I haven't a clue what I'll wear tomorrow. Perhaps the skin-tight pink catsuit ... !)

  • Sirona


    I'm so pleased you have had a good time and I hope tonight goes great for you all!

    I was concerned about it because I've had to back out and was going to coordinate....but of course you're all fine without me!


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