APOSTASCOTLAND! 4th to 6th APRIL 2008 - Details

by Sirona 71 Replies latest members meetups

  • ninja

    enjoy your food all.....I'll be waiting in the pub for you.........da ninja

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    The Witchery is rather expensive for me, so I'll vote for one of the others - Est Est Est (but any of the others would be fine by me).

    The apostaghost walk sounds great.

    Who'd also be up for a Sunday lunch?

    Looking forward to meeting all who are going. :)

  • tijkmo

    tikjmo isnt coming...

    tijkmo is


  • Sirona

    Bad news....

    As you all know I'm nearly 17 weeks pregnant....

    Yesterday I had a small amount of bleeding, its stopped now but doctor has advised me to have complete bed rest! We were very scared indeed yesterday but have calmed a little bit now. I've also had a problem with my hips and lower back where they get really sore (they'd put this down to pregnancy hormones) but it now doesn't rule out the possibility that the pain is associated with the pregnancy itself (not just my joints and ligaments). So this is why they advise total rest.

    Under the circumstances I don't want to be travelling several hours to Edinburgh on Friday. I've had two miscarriages before and I'll do anything to make sure this pregnancy is OK.

    I'm soooooo sorry!

    Gary posted the venue etc. and he'll carry on doing a coordinating role this week so that everything is OK for the plans for you etc. He will make sure everyone has details etc. But he will be staying home with me.

    At least whilst resting I have the wireless laptop so I can still post on here!


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Sorry to hear that Sirona, and hope you feel better soon. Hope to meet you two another time.

    Thank you both very much for organising it.

  • AlphaOmega

    I'm sorry to hear that Sirona.

    What you say makes perfect sense... keep well

    Thank you for all your organisation.

    We will raise a glass to you when we are there.


  • IT Support
    IT Support


    So sorry to hear of your scare, you've absolutely done the right thing.

    I hope the rest of your pregnancy progresses more uneventfully.

    Gary suggested in his post that on Friday we'll meet at the Jolly Judge from 5pm-6pm:

    I thought we could all meet up there initially and discuss what to do for the evening.

    I'm not yet sure what time we'll arrive on Friday evening, but it may be later.

    In case you've decided to move on somewhere else, could someone who's going to be there PM me and we can swap mobile phone numbers?

    As for restaurants on Saturday evening, I've no preference, I don't know any of them.

    Gary, do you have the numbers? I think we should probably book somewhere, or everywhere will be full.

  • free2think

    Im really sorry to hear about your scare Sirona.

    Enjoy your rest hon, i hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly.

  • Sirona

    Thanks everyone, I feel awful not being able to make it.

    Gary will post some info either tonight or tomorrow on this... its a good idea for mobile number co-ordination.


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Here's a map with placemarkers for the proposed venues.

    If anyone else wants me to add their B&B and/or mobile, PM me.

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