Did anyone watch 60 Minutes tonight? Carl Rove should be imprisioned.

by dawg 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • darkuncle29
    I want the Democratic Congress to quit being such a bunch of pussies and do their job already. Call these as**oles to account already.

    Amen! I'm not going to hold my breath though. I wish there was enough political impetus in this country for the voters to break the two party system, it is a ball and chain. Until the day comes that an independant can win, I'll vote for the lesser of two evils.

    Alberto should totally be on that crimes list.

  • veradico

    You want to imprison Rove for having this governor imprisoned. It seems to me that our use of the judicial system to satisfy a desire for revenge is unhealthy. I agree that some of the people who are in prison need to be locked away because they are sociopaths, rapists, and molesters, and are consequently dangerous in a way that cannot at this point be healed. But many of the people who are in prison would not have been in prison if our society did not have certain basic flaws (access to education, basic necessities, an environment that empowers its members instead of filling them with a sense of victimization, racism, sexism, etc.), and the prison system does little to solve these basic problems. In many ways, it perpetuates and intensifies them by continuing to marginalize these people.

  • wednesday

    I have 0 interest in Bush or Bill Clinton or Karl Rove. I don't think 60 minutes has all that much credibility anymore- so what they say does not impress me.

    I was all jazzed up during the 00, 04 elections but , not now. I 'll probably vote for McCain just so it is a vote against Hilary.

    carry one.

  • jaguarbass

    When Clinton lied no one died. The ding bat has killed more Americans than Osama Bin Ladin. And more Iraqis than Sadam Hussain.

    When Clinton was president America was prosperous. The stock market was cooking. The stock market has done nothing since the Dingbat stole the election. People with money have no cofidence in idiots running countries.

  • dawg

    Vertigo-Are you freaking kidding me, a man is unjustly put in jail and you think no one should be punished for it. Wednesday-Just what I thought, if the Clinton's have committed "crimes" where is your thread? To the guy that said that the man was "found guilty by a jury of his peers" and that 60 minutes didn't say he wasn't guilty... that's hogwash, the program proved the prosecution withheld evidence from the defense, and 60 minutes did think he wasn't guilty, that's what the program was freaking about. I've now watched the party "of personal irresponsibility" defend this outrageous Administration for 8 years,its gotten to the point of mental illness on the Republican's part... You guys act like JW's...

  • buffalosrfree

    I totally agree with you darkuncle we need to break up the supposed two party system, I don't believe any of them, especially Hillary and Obama we all know the old joke about just when it is a lawyer is lieing the same holds true for politicians who are lawyers also. Many on this board are Bush haters, and imo opinion don't want to do anything but bash him, i don't like him either, but he is the horse we as a country are riding now and we are stuck with him. November can't come soon enough.

  • flipper

    DAWG- I watched the u-tube of sixty minutes. It truly is hateful and deplorable what the Bush administration does in controlling the fate of innocent people like the governor. In doing this - they are very similar to the Watchtower society . Both these organizations use the same underhanded tactics to destroy lives. My son and I were just talking about the corruption of this Bush administration while working last night. When I look at Ted Jaracz and Dick Cheney - I see twin sons of different mothers separated at birth . Both of them have such scowls on their faces , they look like they haven't gotten laid in 20 years. Bastards don't need to take it out on us , it's their personal problem

  • Gopher

    The Siegelman case smacks of a huge conflict of interest. The prosecutor's husband worked for the opponent's election campaign, for goodness' sake!

    And to the poster who said nobody doubts he was guilty, you are plain wrong. The first case was thrown out by the judge, who said it was lame. The second, more serious case is controversial because a donation to a state is not necessarily a bribe, unless it is proven that the official personally benefited from it. Otherwise, it's just a political contribution and that happens all the damn time. Finally, when you have 52 former attorneys general (who know a lot more about the law than you do) including the Republican one from Arizona all saying that this was a miscarriage of justice, likely it was a miscarriage of justice.

    Karl Rove and his dirty divisive politics has harmed America as a whole, and has ruined specific lives like that of Siegelman. Fixing the system and trying to subvert representative democracy, as Karl Rove has done, is nothing short of treason in my book.

    Comparing this case to a sexual misdeed in the Clinton administration is a red herring. There were a lot of presidents who had their trysts, but they weren't aired due to gentleman's agreements with the press - including JFK and LBJ, among others.

  • veradico


    No. I'm not kidding. I understand the desire to punish people for doing wrong; the desire is very much present in me. But I have as of late been trying to pause and analyze my desires. Retributive punishments seem to perpetuate cycles of violence. I'm not denying the concepts of personal agency and responsibility; Rove should not be given power since he has demonstrated a tendency to abuse it. But this idea of hurting people, of stealing years from their life, is an idea that I think is worth questioning. The notion of "punishment" is not a very healthy one; or, maybe it would be better to say it's not as mature as I would like in an ideal world. Animals bite if they are bitten; children hit back if they are struck. I think we can do better. If by "punishment" we clearly meant "reform", "cure", or at least "modification of one's social status to better correspond to the area of activity in which one can be trusted", I would not have the reservations I do. I'm not saying I have any clear notion of how to resolve many of the doubts I have about our justice system. But I am rather certain the answers to our problems will be more complex than "Throw the bastards in jail!" or "Kill them all!" I feel like this approach more often attacks the symptoms of our social problems without addressing the root causes, the flaws in the very foundation of our society.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I've now watched the party "of personal irresponsibility" defend this outrageous Administration for 8 years,its gotten to the point of mental illness on the Republican's part...

    It's interesting, when Andy was having his breakdown, he veered more from the slightly-left-to-center, gradually to far right. His thinking went from fair, sensible and reasonable, to the cold hearted "personal responsibility" and religious right. Then he up and joined the Republican party! That was a few days before he had his complete break from reality. I kid you not. And the whole thing was tied up in cold, republican ideology and fundy type religious crap.... scary crap. As he has recovered, he looks back and laughs. And he gets junk mail/spam from the Repubs constantly. He hasn't stopped the mail as it is a reminder of what a descent into madness can do to a person.

    Just as some very far to the left people can be nuts, like spray painting furcoats or throwing themselves in front of bulldozers, the Republican Party has it's insanity. But the problem is, that insanity has taken over the party. This isn't the Republican party of Richard Nixon or Gerald R. Ford any longer. This insanity is far more dangerous than red marks on fur coats and two acres of woods, spared the dozers. This insanity is erasing the middle class. Taking away our personal rights and freedoms. Driving us into economic depression and pissing the rest of the world, even our allies, off.

    The insanity of the current Republican party and its presidential administration is becoming Fascism right under our noses. Look at this definition: http://www.politicsdefined.com/content/fascism.htm

    In an article in the 1932 Enciclopedia Italiana, written by Giovanni Gentile and attributed to Benito Mussolini, fascism is described as a system in which "The State not only is authority which governs and molds individual wills with laws and values of spiritual life, but it is also power which makes its will prevail abroad. ...For the Fascist, everything is within the State and ... neither individuals or groups are outside the State. ...For Fascism, the State is an absolute, before which individuals or groups are only relative." ...
    The word fascism has come to mean any system of government resembling Mussolini's, that exalts nation and often race above the individual, and uses violence and modern techniques of propaganda and censorship to forcibly suppress political opposition, engages in severe economic and social regimentation, and espouses nationalism and sometimes racism (ethnic nationalism).

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