My cat has diabetes

by momzcrazy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • VoidEater

    So sorry to hear about the cat, Momz - I've bene fortunate to not have had a cat with long term illness, but have known of other cats (like on here) that survive quite well with meds.

    My cats (and dogs, and horses, and everything else over the years) have been dependent on my for their care, these are living beings to me that deserve a high priority of my attention and resources. Whatever I can afford that gives them a satisfactory standard of life I give without question.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    That's too bad about your kitty momz. My sister had a cat with diabetes that she cared for for many years.

    My dogs have not been well this year, and the one dog has cancer, but I could not bring myself to put her down. We had several treatment options and we chose the middle of the road option. We had to cancel a trip to Florida, but hopefully this will give her a few more years with us. I couldn't imagine putting her down when she is still relatively healthy, and once she recovers from the radiation, will have a few more pain free years. My other dog just had surgery on her knee and will require it on her other one in about a month or so, once she fully recovers from this surgery. They are both wonderful dogs, good companions and give me much more than I give them. It would break my heart to put them down if there was anything I could do, within reason, for them.

    I'm sure your children will appreciate you keeping your cat around while she's still relatively healthy and it just might teach them a few things as well (even though I know they are caring kids already).


  • worldtraveller

    We inherited 2 black felines that chase each other around the house for hours. The little one knocked a large ceramic pot plant onto the floor. It is now in many pieces. But they are kids-our kids and they sleep with us most nights and would spend money to keep them quite healthy. But alas, we do know there is a limit. For now they DO greet us at the door-mostly for food, but that's ok.

    Good thing I have no idea what that bumper sticker really means-"heard if you hit a cat in the head w/ a hammer blinks"

    Funny that I cannot get their nails cut, never mind giving them a shot!

  • flipper

    MOMZCRAZY- Sorry to hear about your cat. I had a cat at age 13 had contracted diabetes 5 years ago , but was too far gone for insulin to do any good. He died on his own 3 weeks after taking him in. It would have required someone to be there every few hours to give him shots, at the time it wasn't possible . So, I figured he had lived a good life . My wife and I just had to take one of our cats to emergency on a weekend for a bite / abscess in his neck. It was so exposed you could see his trachea and muscles . Cost : $ 600.00 big ones. I told my wife , we need to make sure he doesn't rip his neck open again. The cat is 11 and I'm considering asking him to help me pay this years taxes ! LOL! Good luck with your kitty ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • momzcrazy

    Thank you so much for all your comments. I am not as organized as Mr Flipper so as to be able to give individual replies.

    I needed all your encouragement. Last night I heard from my brother, " It is a f*^&*ing cat! " And tonight my sister and her girlfriend gave me hell too. But like everyone here said, we brought him into our lives and he depends on us. Sure we may not eat out for a couple weeks, but he will spend a week at the vet's. I won't buy a bottle of Crown Royal and he will have his insulin for the month. It is all relative.

    Unfortuantely, I was like those childless couples who look at naughty kids saying mine will never do that. Until they have a naughty child themselves. I always said my animals are just animals, but it is all a lie. They mean more than that. No, they aren't my kids. But they depend on us the same.

    momz (who still can't believe I will be giving insulin to a CAT)

  • WTWizard

    Well, so much for the Watchtower assertion that animals are perfect. I don't think the original cat pair sinned--and why would cats pay for the sins of another species? Unless that other species happens to be Jehovah God.

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