My cat has diabetes

by momzcrazy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • llbh

    I am sorry to hear about your cat Momz, it is very distressing when animals we love are unwell.

    It is amazing how much we spend without thinking on them

    We have guinea pigs and on the odd occasion they go to the vet we pay the bill without question.



  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Poor kitty, momz!

    I'm sure he'll be fine once he gets used to the injections and you get used to giving them. You might not get used to the vet bills though lol!

    I have two cats - one is insured and the other is an elderly rescue cat from our local RSPCA - they have a special adoption scheme for older and chronically sick (but treatable) animals as they're less likely to get rehomed. If you adopt one, you get any meds at cost price plus greatly reduced vet bills for consultations, surgery etc. My cat has a grade IV heart murmur (grade V is the worst!) and has to have 2 tablets every day, Ramipril to help her circulation and Istin to slow her heart down (still around 120bpm with the meds but better than 'unmeasurable'!), she's made it to (about) 15 years old, which is fab - I think even the vet holds her as one of his unexpected success stories now

  • babygirl75
    Someone ought to start a thread on what we are willing to pay to have a pet.

    I may be taking your comment wrong, but if you cannot afford or do not want the aggravation of taking your pets to the vet and taking care of them, you shouldn't have a pet in the first place.

    One of my pomeranians has had bad eye infections and I had to take him to the emergency vet late one night a few weeks ago and then to our regular vet last week. We've spent a few hundred dollars so far, but that is what happens when you have the responsibility of a pet. I would never consider putting him down, to get out of paying money for his care. I would put him down though, if I knew he was in pain and would not get better.

    Momz...hope all goes well with your cat.


  • Princess

    I had a cat with diabetes. I can't remember how old he was when he was diagnosed, but he lived for years with daily insulin injections. It's easy, the needles are small and my cat never even flinched.

    Once you have the dosage figured out it's just a yearly visit to the vet and the cost of insulin, needles and Sharpes containers. It wasn't bad.

    He was about 10 or 11 when he died. Must have had diabetes for 5-6 years or more. Great cat. I still keep a picture of him on my kitchen window sill. The cats I have now don't even come close to being as cool as Vlad was.


  • west123

    I had a dog with diabetes for years. He was 11 when the vet diagnosed him and he lived to be 15. My mom and I alternated giving him insulin shots twice a day, he didnt like that very much but they kept his blood sugar pretty normal. My mom even got those PH strips that you're supposed to test your pee with to make sure our dog wasnt spilling too much sugar in his urine (my mother loved that dog more than me I think) Anyway, one thing to watch out for is that sometimes diabetes can make animals go blind. Our dog was blind the last year of his life but we couldn't bear to put him down. Watch for signs of that but everything else before then was normal, he lived a healthy life until the blindness!!

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    I had to take Simon when I noticed the bite on him. .... I stocked up on flea meds for three months...

    Do you really think the owner of this website appreciates your sharing this much personal info?


  • reneeisorym
    Someone ought to start a thread on what we are willing to pay to have a pet.

    I may be taking your comment wrong, but if you cannot afford or do not want the aggravation of taking your pets to the vet and taking care of them, you shouldn't have a pet in the first place.

    Now don't take me wrong -- I take very good care of my animals. My dog got shot about 2 years ago and I had her taken for surgery and it cost $600. I bought a cat last year (Blue Russian) for $500. I bought her an 84" cat condo, a water fountain, automatic feeder, and zillions of toys. So I am not afraid to spend money on animals. But it's because I have the money to spend.

    I thing the point of "Someone ought to start a thread on what we are willing to pay to have a pet" is just that in some countries animals are just for slaugher or milk. The animal kingdom is full of animals who die of curable diseases. I think this money we spend on pets is certainly a luxury. We should be thankful we can afford the luxury of taking an animal into the home and caring for it like a baby.

  • sammielee24

    My cats didn't but my dog was diabetic. I had to give her shots of insulin twice a day. The disease affects pets in the same way as it does people as far as possible blindness etc. Mine was on special food and I had to use keto sticks to check her urine in an attempt to balance her sugar levels. She eventually went blind. It's quite a responsibility because there are not a lot of people equipped or willing to take care of a pet with special needs should you want a vacation or have a difficult time with scheduling shots and so on. Animals are special...sammielee.

  • sammielee24

    We've got it rough in this country.

    Someone ought to start a thread on what we are willing to pay to have a pet.

    ....or pay to golf; or drink beer; or host a superbowl party; or send our kids to a prom; or smoke; or drive; or go to a on and so on.

    The sad reality is that for many people, pets give them unconditional love; they don't care if you are overweight or disabled; they don't lie to you; they don't cheat on you; they don't steal from you; they welcome you home at night and provide companionship for you every day; they protect you - in short the only thing they demand from you is affection. People want the best for their pets because they ask for so little from us.

    sammiewife (not a fanatic but certainly supportive and aware of the benefits of owning a pet in our society)

  • 1144

    I saw a bumper sticker that said "heard if you hit a cat in the head w/ a hammer blinks".....Thats not right

    much love


    ps.. never tried and never would ..unless i was hungrey....

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