Accessibility to guns to blame for violence?

by 5thGeneration 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Historians have shown and pointed out that when it was common for people to carry guns on their person during the 19th century in the old west and elsewhere there was quite

    a lot of gun violence occurring. It got so bad at one point , and I can't remember the name of the town, it was in the west , they had to ban anyone from carrying one within

    the city limits or else they were throw in jail.

    So I'm not too sure the concept of having more people carrying guns is the answer.

    On behalf of college students in attendance does it have to come down to a point that lets say 1 out of every 3 students should carry a firearm in an effort to protect the campus

    and themselves.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Mkr. we've got your stated comments and opinion on video games on the other thread already, this one is on the accessibility of guns as a cause

    of gun violence in America and elsewhere .

  • flipper

    Accessibility to guns by crazy and mentally insane people is to blame for violence

  • WTWizard

    One thing that we have is a drug problem--and I don't mean street drugs. I have read a number of reports about these mass killers, and many of them are on prescribed drugs. The children in school massacres are taking Ritalin or Prozac, or some derivative of the above. Why? Because they could not sit still in class, and refrain from integrating the disjointed percepts that they are being taught into concepts and puzzle pieces. They are then called in to be prescribed drugs for this condition, and the drugs make them prone to violence.

    Then there are the "kick crimes". These are the ones involving someone doing things for kicks--vandalism, harassment, reckless behavior, and often stealing are among these. They are bored, stagnated, and need alcohol and/or drugs to release themselves from this stagnation. This leads to petty crimes, and those often escalate into murder. If you take away the stagnation by removing every single one of the "hot laws", you sharply reduce "kick crimes", drug use (and that without a single drug bust), and the petty crimes as well as the impetus for them to escalate.

    What that leaves are the criminals that insist on initiating the use of force to get control of people. If ordinary people would have the means to defend themselves against these humanoids, then people would think twice before trying to rob someone. Those that are insistant on controling others by force would be shot, and the common citizen would be that much safer. There would still be laws against initiating use of force against people, and one would have the right to kill someone in defense against such. People would think before launching that first-strike offensive attack. And, eventually the guns would simply sit there unused. At which point, most people would be willing to drop that extra weight and bulk that they take up. Problem solved.

  • Mutz

    The problem is that the kind of people who WANT to own a gun are exactly the type who should never ever be allowed within 100 feet of a gun.

  • 5thGeneration

    Pie in the sky Oracle.

    You cannot mandate behavior. Haven't you learned that in the 'Truth'?

    Are people more or less educated these days? Then why is crime skyrocketing?

    'Bible belt' States' crime is higher because of poverty (NO for example). It's a stretch to try to link violent crime with 'Christian-Democracy' or religion.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    There is no pie in my sky 5th!

    I actually didn't say anything about mandating. You're actually using a WT tactic by attributing an exagerrated statement to someone, and then trashing it.

    The points I was trying to make were fairly simple.

    When one receives an education ...

    1) they are more likely to become gainfully employed and therefore less likely to engage in nefarious activities to make ends meet.

    2) they are also taught tolerance of other races, religions, and cultures which would conter-act any foolish and hateful values that might be taught by less educated parents (ie bigotry etc)

    I believe that the poor standard of education in the US contributes to the violent society, generally speaking.

    If I am wrong, you can shoot me.

    The Oracle

  • IP_SEC

    that the more guns available to the public the more likelihood some will be used for a violent action, the less availability the less likelihood.

    LOL!! Take guns from law abiding people so that only the pigs and criminals have them? Na, no thanks.

  • 5thGeneration

    I stand corrected. I'll reword it.

    You can't mandate people to GET an education.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Tis true. You can't mandate an education.

    Like Flipper indicated, there will always be some crazy people out there who get a hold of a gun. No amount of education will eliminate the truly wacky people who are born with mental problems or who have some horrible thing happen in their life to cause them to snap.

    At that point all we can do is make it a little harder for these nut jobs to get a hold of these weapons.

    I wonder how many mentally unstable people have access to firearms? That certainly could also be a problem.

    Peace to all,

    The Oracel

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