Accessibility to guns to blame for violence?

by 5thGeneration 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maddie

    I don't think its the cause of violence, it just gives people the tools to kill people with.


  • ColdRedRain

    And legal guns rarely if ever kill people. Most people that go out and shoot people usually do it with guns they either stole, bought off the black market or used false pretenses to purchase, almost never legal. We should keep the gun laws we have right now, and make the 5 day waiting period and mental stability test mandatory for any gun purchase, including even hunting weapons bought at gun shows.

  • uwishufish

    There's a 2 week wait period to purchase a hand gun. That's OK, the SOB will still need killen two weeks from now.

  • worldtraveller

    Simply stated, Guns don't kill people, people kill people. With sticks and stones I bet. How about some unbiased statistics from other countrys?

  • worldtraveller

    List of countries

    List of Industrial nations ( Gross National Income or GNI per capita > $15,000):

    Country Total firearm-related death rate firearm homicide firearm suicide Firearm unintentional Year Sources and notes
    Australia2.940.442.350.111994Krug 1998 [1]
    Austria4.560.424.060.051994Krug 1998 [1]
    Belgium3.480.602.560.061990Krug 1998 [1]
    Canada4.780.763.720.221992Krug 1998 [1]
    Denmark2.600.232.250.041993Krug 1998 [1]
    England and Wales0.460.070.330.011992Krug 1998 [1]
    Finland6.860.865.780.121994Krug 1998 [1]
    France6.350.445.140.111994Krug 1998 [1]
    Germany1.570.221.170.041994Krug 1998 [1]
    Greece1.500.590.840.041994Krug 1998 [1]
    Hong Kong0. 1998 [1]
    Ireland1.210.030.940.111991Krug 1998 [1]
    Israel3.000.721.840.131993Krug 1998 [1]
    Italy2.951.661.110.111992Krug 1998 [1]
    Japan0. 1998 [1]
    Netherlands0.700.360.310.011994Krug 1998 [1]
    New Zealand2.660.172.140.091993Krug 1998 [1]
    Norway4.390.303.950.121993Krug 1998 [1]
    Portugal3.721.281.280.211994Krug 1998 [1]
    Scotland0.580.190.330.021994Krug 1998 [1]
    Singapore0. 1998 [1]
    South Korea0. 1998 [1]
    Spain0.900.210.430.251993Krug 1998 [1]
    Sweden2.360.182.090.031993Krug 1998 [1]
    Switzerland6.400.585.610.131994Krug 1998 [1]
    Taiwan0.420.150.120.111994Krug 1998 [1]
    United States15.227.077.350.591993Krug 1998 [1]

    List of developing countries ( GNI per capita < $15,000

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Thanks for posting that worldtravller good information

  • avishai

    Right, and you look @ Austria, Switzerland finland and Israel. Everyone is armed in Israel, and have a lower gun violence rate than YOUR country. The UK ahs FAR higher violence stats in everything but gun violence. So, what's the deal? Education needs to happen. Training, etc.

  • worldtraveller

    England in this chart is so much lower than the US. Pretty much everyone is lower than the US.

    I think one has to have intent to kill first, but a gun sure makes it easier to kill someone. Here in our town it's always about drugs. It also seems to be the Asian community involved.

    Stupid people buying drugs. Crack in Vancouver is out of control.

    Funny thing is that the drug lords have their own efficient system of justice here.

    Saves our courts valuable time so we can bust speeders.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Agree with you WT, I mentioned in another thread that we in Vancouver have a lot of gun violence going on right now and most of the guns found have in some way been related to the drug

    trade and the black market. The police have already come out and said that the majority of the weapons were brought across the border from the states in exchange

    for are great BC bud that the Americans love so much. Personally I rather have the Bud, let the guns stay down in the States.

  • worldtraveller

    I think Avishai,are you referring to Canada? If you are talking about Canada, and I am not sure, the crime here is mostly from the drug dealing immigrants from central America and Asia. Most of the illegal weapons here have been smuggled by them into our country and used to defend the territory of these pond scum.

    The vast majority of murders are from them. Take that out of the equation (the drug scum) and you will have a better picture.

    I cannot specifically answer why the US is out of control, but I believe someone earlier said that it's lack of education. That I think we can all agree on.

    We also have a huge Punjabi population here and for some reason, they have brought their cultural ways here as well. They seem to solve personal grudges with explosives and guns. A local restaurant was bombed like Baghdad just the other day. 2 million dollars damage. Ridiculous!!

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