I left after 9 years ...

by sacolton 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    Shalom! I've countered JWs (including family) with the refrain, "I'd love to be part of Jehovah's organization, so please prove to me with the bible the following and I will gladly harness up again........." Then lay it on to them, one at a time. If your spouse truely wants you to be "equally yoked" she will have the clear path to accomplishing her desire.. but you and I know a snowball in hell would have a better chance....


  • Quandry

    Just wanted to add my welcome. My husband and I were in over thirty years. Be glad you're out now......

  • JK666


    Welcome to JWD!


  • LouBelle

    Hi there sacolton - well done for using the brain god created us with!!! Hope the wifes' eyes will somehow open so she can see the borg for what it is.

  • sacolton

    It's really great to see such a wonderful support and friendship gathering here. I just recently found some videos on YouTube from Raymond Franz (Ex-Governing Body) and his views are the same as mine. Psalms 146: Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.

    This suggests that we should not belong to any religious organization because it separates us. Who does it really glorify? When asked for their beliefs people say, "I'm a Catholic." or "I'm a Methodist." by labelling themselves as a denomination. No more will I put my trust in mortal men.

    Has anyone read Raymond Franz's book "Crisis Of Conscience"?

    - sacolton

  • LouBelle

    I think 99% of the posters have read "CoC"

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Welcome Sacolton, your analysis of the jws kingdom is right on, and your direct feelings about what you found out about is quite typically.

    I personally dropped out 20 years ago without all of the known info on the net, I just felt there was something devious and dishonest going on , apparently my guess was right.

    I hope your wife gets to see the new light also (pun intended) for the benefit of both of you

    Hand around for a while there are some good people here .......take care

  • crapola

    I read your post and amhappy that you have had the strength to leave. I've had doubts all my life, since I was taught this as a child. My hardest thing to overcome has been my Mother because she is still very much involved with it and will not except the fact that I no longer want it. But we each have to live our lives the way we see fit. Hopefully your wife will come around to your way of thinking. It's not fair to deprive you of the joy of having a family beacuse of the difference in your views, but that's the controlling part of the org. Anyway, good luck from one who is still trying to get out in Okla.

  • Sirona

    Good for you!

    I hope the JWs don't destroy your marriage. You'll have to do some softly softly stuff with your wife.

    Good luck,


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