I left after 9 years ...

by sacolton 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


  • looloo

    what made you check the history ? did someone tell you to or were you curious about the history of the "truth"?

  • lavendar

    Hi Sacolton!

    I'm so happy that you found out the REAL TRUTH about the WTS. Hooray for you!! And it's wonderful that you kept your relationship with God. So many ex-JWs blame God and turn their backs on Him......and that's so sad, because the True God of the Bible has NEVER had ANYTHING to do with the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society! The WTS is a counterfeit...trying to "be" Christian, but they're FAR from it.

    Maybe not right away....but I'm sure you'll be the "instrument" God uses to free your wife from the WTS's clutches.

    All the best to you,


  • sacolton

    I think I came across a bit of information about Russell being a member of the Masons ("No way! Can't be!") and had to find out if it was true. One thing lead to another and saw Russell's cool Pagan pyramid tombstone and how he discovered 1914 by measuring the Great Pyramid passage ways, etc ... it was like watching a great wall come tumbling down.

  • buffalosrfree

    sacolton, welcome to the forum, enjoyed your post, sorry for the problem with the wife, but no children might be a good thing as she would just try to indoctrinate them into the borg so that they would be self absorbed with themselves like the rest of them, my spouse included.

  • BluesBrother

    Welcome aboard Sacolton !

    It takes an honest man to really search his beliefs and to change ..Too many dubs have not the guts to that.

    Sorry that your house is now divided - mine too - but keep dropping seeds of knowlege, maybe somthing will take root and she may join us here?

  • AudeSapere

    Hi Sacolton -

    Welcome to JWD!! - Nice Intro Post.

    If you've hung around here a bit, you've noticed that we get lots of people who are dating a witness. Your own story begs the question: Was your 'conversion' part of the dating/marriage agreement? Did you convert before or after you met her?

    Please disregard if you are uncomfortable discussing some of these details.

    Congrats on finding your way out. Hopefully you still have family and friends from prior to your conversion.

    -Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself.)

  • Honesty

    Hi sacolton !!

    It's great to see another soul saved from the demon cult.

    In November 2004, Jesus broke the Watchtower's chains that were wrapped around my mind, soul and body.

  • VoidEater

    Wecome to the Board, SAC - greetings -VE

  • Eliveleth


    Welcome to the board! Happy BirthdayThere are several people here who still believe in the God of the Bible and

    who have made Jesus Lord of their lives. For me it is a great place to be. I am sorry that your

    wife does not share your views. This can be very hard. I will be praying for her. I checked out your

    profile .I think a lot of us who were gung ho JWs were sideswiped by their deception. It just takes seeing

    a little chink in their armor to begin to investigate where they had lied in other places. One of the things that

    I first had a problem with was their changing words in the Kingdom Interlinear. I was investigating the "great crowd" and when

    I was researching "temple", I found discrepancies in how they translated it from the Greek. They say in the forward that they

    are going to use "one English word for each Greek word". I found that to not be true. Also I found they added words to make

    it sound as if it fitted their doctrine.

    Love and hugs,



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