Awake= "Playstation Games like playing with Radioactive waste!!"

by Witness 007 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia

    wow, shamus, how you been, man?

  • shamus100

    Oh, you know me leolaia, got bored, went back to the truth. Got DF'd for the thirtieth time. This time for coveting my brothers ice cream. Well, not really - just bored of the forum. My current interest is guaranteed not to last - no offence.

    How are you doing?

  • glenster
  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Kind of a silly analogy they are using, but thats par for the course with this religion, but in all honesty I find I can't slam it completely.

    In regards to children consuming violent video games for the reason being that there has been a correlation with violent actions of young people

    that overly consume these kind of games and their apparent outward social behavior. One very good example of this is the Columbine school massacre

    a few years ago. The boys that did all of the killings were well involved with a video game where if were to go into building and kill as many opponents as possible

    you could take over the building and become the glorious winner. It would be irresponsible to suggest that there is absolutely no direct connection between the two.

    Given the fact that young teens are psychologically sensitive to what they mentally take in and how they socially respond to that kind of input.

    That being said, there isn't an over abundance of these very violent games and the majority are perceived to be harmless, something the Watchtower didn't seem to mention.

    In the same vein as the article it could be said that intensionally reading of watchtower magazines is like absorbing radioactive waste to the mind and the intellect.

    I just want to point out that what one person reads or perhaps sees in a movie does not exactly equal the profound psychological effect as mentally immersing

    oneself in a very violent game, there are apparent differences to be noted.

    There is sound reasoning in the statement " what the mind is fed so it will also put forth " psychological imprinting is well acknowledged study in human psychology and it very much affects

    are social behavior in society.

    It becomes even more of an importance in young absorbing youth in their growing and developing stage of life.

    The mental message in these kinds of games is to win over your opponent and become the victor, but the only way is to kill them dead and that is the only way to win.

    Unfortunately games that are played by certain individuals who are emotionally unbalanced and that are having insecurity issues may take violence as a course

    of action to over come these innate insecurities, in other words it puts power and control back in their hands and the end result of this expression is death and mayhem.

  • searcher
    it is estimated the public could spend a whopping $1 billion on E.T.

    This is the main message.

    "All that lovely money flowing AWAY from our hands <sob sob>"

  • Leolaia

    Oh I'm doing good, haven't got the disinterest yet to take a break from this place, not sure if that is a good thing or not...

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    i really spent too much time in world of warcraft. luckily i'm pretty much cured by now. at the moment i like to play some "hitman contracts" now and then. you can't be too picky when it comes to games on a mac.

  • LouBelle

    oooh I love love love Warcraft - we network here at the office - so much of fun.

    Can't someone put these people and their religion out of business for all the crap they spew.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    i'm a tauren druid and troll priest ;) german realm though, so i guess i've never battled you (supposing you are of the alliance)

  • triplestrength

    This is typical JW bulls**t, Find the negative in something popular and effectivly ban it from the R&F. maybe 1 or 2 people have done something wrong after playing video games but the vast majority view it as fun and harmless.

    Could you inmagine how miserable they would be after the big A nothing to do or enjoy, even the field misery not needed anymore what a sad bunch of life wasters.

    Playstation can waste a bit of our time, being a JW wastes all of it!

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