For Christians...Is It Just Me or Am I Losing My Mind

by XJW4EVR 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • TopHat

    "Happy Clappy" = means The raptor is near for them, and ohh so close. It is not just JWs who believe in Armageddon.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I quit going to church. Don't have much use for it.

    What if the church needs you?

  • truthsearcher

    Well guys, since I am a worship leader at my church, I guess I should say something here.

    Our job in leading worship is to lead the congregation in praise. Usually this starts with a celebration of our redemption or a celebration of our fellowship with one another ( Come Christians join to sing, Allelulia Amen!) Usually we have a theme in mind that we are trying to emphasize, usually tied to the pastor's sermon. I believe strongly in a mix of the traditional hymns of the Christian faith (full of theology, musically lush, part of our heritage) with modern songs, choruses and hymns (easy to learn, often a more intimate expression of our personal faith, fresh and appealing music that appeals to the younger members, a "new song" to the Lord). I do not believe in artificially whipping people into a state of excitement or joy. But honestly, sometimes it is a challenge to get people to even sing out, because their minds are burdened down with the cares of the week. And sometimes they just need some encouragement, and since the leader is at the front, they can visibly encourage the congregation to put aside their burdens and remember to praise the Lord.

    It is important to have a blend in tempo and mood. Not every song should be up-up-up, and visa versa. Some songs should be focussed on God, others directed to each other in the congregation ("speaking to one another in psalms and hymns"). There is definitely a place for introspective songs that focus on the suffering of Christ on the cross, and our wretched condition apart from the wonderful grace of our Lord. ("How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure...")

    I definitely know that there are churches that use techniques to create an artificial atmosphere of worship--there are books that explain how to do it, although they don't use quite that term :) God is more concerned about our hearts not our outer actions. So I am sure that if this worship is not from the heart, it falls short of his desire for "mercy not sacrifice". However, having said all that, in the times I don't feel like praising God, but once I start, then my heart follows. This does not mean that I need to jump around, repeat the same mindless refrain over and over--those are techniques more conducive to a form of hypnotism than worship. I find it better to actually meditate on the words that I am singing--"Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love"--now that song has brought me to tears as my heart cried out its unfaithfulness. Or as I sing "To God be the glory, great things He hath done!" my heart wells up in thankfulness for His leading and mercy to me.

    As many have said, there are different styles of worship depending on the church you attend. If you feel that your congregation has become unbalanced, perhaps you should talk to the pastor or worship leader about this. I can recommend some books or resources on worship if anyone needs that type of info. If that is an unfruitful endeavour, then perhaps there are other congregations whose style you would benefit from more? Worship has been undergoing a tremendous change in churches over the last years, and has been the #1 cause of you are sure to find a variety of styles.

    Making a joyful noise here in Ontario,


    Am I the only one that is turned off by this "happy clappy" worship, or is this something that you have experienced too?

    I feel the same.

    I think it doesn't hurt to "church shop" until you find one (or even a few) that "feel(s) right" for you. My theory is that churches are in a state of evolution. However, some churches, it seems, want to hang on to the "old". Resistant to change --- and all that. Change, to me, represents growth, and is therefore healthy and inevitable.

    I've done some church shopping. Right now NO church feels right and I've been going for a walk in nature, instead. I feel I can connect with my spirituality anywhere, and that does feel nice.



  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I don't want to nit pick but

    Some songs should be focussed on God, others directed to each other in the congregation ("speaking to one another in psalms and hymns").

    Just some songs? What should the focuss of the "other" songs be? One another?

    Eph 5:18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, 19speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; 20 always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father; 21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.

    So do you take from this verse that it's OK to focuss on one another as part of a collective worship of God?

  • Robdar
    What if the church needs you?

    Ddog, you've made me smile. But I am sure the church gets along fine without me.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    There is nothing wrong with "joy" or expressing it. However, true joy doesn't need to be whipped up into a frenzy with loud music, shouting and clapping. Not that there is anything wrong with those things if they are the natural expression of true joy welling up. What some churches do though is little more than stir up emotional excitement. This is not the same thing as joy or spirituality. This is similiar to what the witnesses do when they tell people not to grieve. Or that JW's are the happiest people on earth. It is telling people how to feel and act regardless of the reality. If a church is whipping everybody into a state of "high emotional excitement" which they are labelling as "Christian joy", where is the quiet place of support for those who may be suffering depression or a death or some other tragedy? Is there any place for those people in such a church? Or even for just plain quiet, shy, introverted people? True spirituality allows for the entire gamut of human experience, joy as well as suffering. It does not try to "promote" one and "deny" the existence of the other. "Spirituality" is balance.



    Wow, what a great response. Obviously I hit on something that is not unique to me. I am currently meditating on many of the responses on this thread, and I will post as I order my thoughts.

  • 5go
    Am I the only one that is turned off by this "happy clappy" worship, or is this something that you have experienced too? Where is the blue note of Christian worship music? I mean when you look at the Psalms, they are full of lyric that I would categorize as the blues. Where is the despair that is displayed in the Psalms? Where are the songs of lament? Are there any Christians out there that have experienced this?

    Been there religion isn't supposed to be all goody fell good it's supposed to be solemn and sublime at least some of the time. That is kind of a waking point with me in regard to witnesses. It's bussiness there is nothing solem about what witnesses do. Eveything they do is to make a sale not find a deeper meaning to anything. It's just sale faith to someone or make someone feel good about what they bought into.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    But I am sure the church gets along fine without me.

    Not if you really are a child of God.

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