For Christians...Is It Just Me or Am I Losing My Mind

by XJW4EVR 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Your mind was healing from the nonsense you had grown accustomed to accepting and when you returned the numbness that once settled your thoughts was missing.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Nope, it's not just you!

    I've seen a few church services which use what I term 'emotional manipulation' - some of us, like you are more aware of what's going on. Maybe its time for you to seek another place to fellowship?

    Whilst not throwing out 'happy clappy' all together, because I do think that in moderation and with the right leadership, it can be good too, I do think some goes way OTT. When I find myself in that setting, I'll either walk out or mentally take myself out.

    It's almost like they try to sell church, but that's really not what its about.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    It's almost like they try to sell church, but that's really not what its about.

    Not almost. That's exactly what it is all about!


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Sad emo

    It's almost like they try to sell church, but that's really not what its about.

    Cog may have a point, but, I think many believe it's about filling the pews. It should be more about God centered worship.

  • darkuncle29
    I've seen a few church services which use what I term 'emotional manipulation' - some of us, like you are more aware of what's going on. Maybe its time for you to seek another place to fellowship?

    Yep, when you start to think to yourself "Oh PLEASE GOD make them shut up!", you're ready to move on. Someone said its like school as a kid, and I think that's a good metaphor. So now you're ready for grade 1-6. What will it be? I've been thinking of checking out a Buddhist temple in Seattle or near by, I don't want to be a buddhist, but I think its more what I am in tune with.

    You could try a yoga or Tai Chi class. It depends on if you need a group of people, or if you're ready to be a solitary practitioner of what ever belief system suits you. Explore. Tell us what you find.

  • jgnat

    I think it's an attempt to bring back those old revival days. They might be beating a dead horse. To encourage the Holy Spirit to move through the waters again, may require a whole different type of commitment.

  • lv4fer

    I know what you mean. When I first started attending a non-denominational Christian church. It was a bit uncomfortable with all the singing and the hand raising etc. I was waiting for someone to yell, Lights! Camera! Action. But after I talked with someone about my feelings they just explained theirs. That they were really happy and that they were praising the Lord in that way. I had a different take on it. I can honestly say I do enjoy it now. In fact I now kind of miss it because I have started attending a church that is just starting out and there is only about 20 of us and we meet in a school cafeteria. We sing a couple of songs, while the pastor plays his guitar. I kind of miss the big hoopla, but I feel like this church needs my support and that is where the Lord wants to use me now.

  • Robdar

    I've noticed the same thing. But in all fairness to the preacher, perhaps he feels that there is enough blues (sorrow) in the world. Joy is, after all, the second fruit of the spirit mentioned in Galations. I guess he feels he has to artificially produce it in the congregation? But what's wrong with a little joy, artificially produced or not?

    It's sound as if you are on a different page than the rest of the congregation. Might be time to find a new place; however, I think that you would find more of the same.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    It's almost like they try to sell church, but that's really not what its about.

    Cog may have a point, but, I think many believe it's about filling the pews. It should be more about God centered worship.

    Thanks DD - that's exactly what I was trying to say - church is about God, not about how good it makes us feel!


    But what's wrong with a little joy, artificially produced or not?

    Dunno about anyone else but when I experience artificial joy, I feel twice as crappy when its over - its like a high you'd get from any other stimulant - alcohol, drugs etc. its just escapism and the problems are still there when the high is gone.

    You got me thinking if that's where a lot of churches get it wrong today - even the less happy-clappy ones - we can go and 'do church' for an hour on Sundays and maybe other times during the week and it makes the problems go away for a while, they get covered over, packed away or stuffed down - "God will make it all better", when really we should be dealing with the bad stuff - and we end up with 'Sunday Christians', where they are nice, polite, friendly etc on Sunday but absolute ogres the rest of the week! (But its ok cos God will forgive them again next Sunday!!)

    Ah thinking, thinking....

  • Robdar

    Dunno about anyone else but when I experience artificial joy, I feel twice as crappy when its over - its like a high you'd get from any other stimulant - alcohol, drugs etc. its just escapism and the problems are still there when the high is gone.

    You got me thinking if that's where a lot of churches get it wrong today - even the less happy-clappy ones - we can go and 'do church' for an hour on Sundays and maybe other times during the week and it makes the problems go away for a while, they get covered over, packed away or stuffed down - "God will make it all better", when really we should be dealing with the bad stuff - and we end up with 'Sunday Christians', where they are nice, polite, friendly etc on Sunday but absolute ogres the rest of the week! (But its ok cos God will forgive them again next Sunday!!)

    SadEmo, I agree and couldn't have said it better. I have come to the conclusion that religion is nothing more than a bandage on the gaping, bleeding wound of society. I quit going to church. Don't have much use for it.

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