Proof WBTS is downgrading 1914

by yesidid 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • yesidid

    Maybe they're keeping the doctrine but they are not writing about it as much in the Watchtower.

    Below are statistics’ from their 07 CD showing how many times 1914 was mentioned in the Watchtower for each year 1950 to 2006 .

    I have divided the years 1950 – 2006 into segments of eight excepting for the last, which is nine.

    On the side I have the average for those years.

    Notice they have gone from 88.87 a year to 24.44.

    That sure looks like a downgrading to me.

    What do you think?

    50 90
    51 119
    52 74
    53 102
    54 92
    55 107
    56 82
    57 45

    711 88.87

    58 67
    59 122
    60 139
    61 76
    62 93
    63 28
    64 68
    65 45

    538 67.25

    66 150
    67 142
    68 62
    69 96
    70 78
    71 80
    72 49
    73 58

    715 89.37

    74 80
    75 60
    76 33
    77 21
    78 69
    79 72
    80 57
    81 64

    456 57

    82 77
    83 143
    84 178
    85 81
    86 73
    87 59
    88 50
    89 45

    706 88.25

    90 65
    91 49
    92 87
    93 54
    94 62
    95 32
    96 37
    97 50

    322 40.25

    98 40
    99 17
    00 20
    01 23
    02 13
    03 14
    04 52
    05 18
    06 23

    220 24.44


  • skyking

    yup, they are down sizing the it.

  • Pole
  • mkr32208

    It might just be that they are so busy dumbing down the borg that they can't explain it anymore... (plus it's hard to explain something that makes ZERO sense!)

  • yesidid

    Hey thanks Pole for doing the graph.


  • hamilcarr

    I even know some young JWs who are not aware of the importance of 1914 and they definitely don't know where to find Biblical "proof" for it. I even think the WTS will never explicitly change it, it will fade away by itself.

  • nomoreguilt

    Numbers and graphs. I wonder if the corp. has a graph of all the poor souls that based their faith and future livelyhoods on that year. What a sad commentary on the history of an org. that ASSUMED the name of a god to do business under. Do you suppose the day will ever come when they simply drop the jw name and rename it something else in order to get the stigma of a failed org. out of the public's eye?


  • IP_SEC

    I find it interesting that years ending in 4 seem to spike in mentions of 1914. Kind of a subconcious programming of the old generation teaching. In 1974 a person who was 10 years old in 1914 (this generation) would have been 70. (our years are 70 or 80) There is also a big spike in 66-67 when the 1975 proph was breaking loose.

    1984 that same person would be 80 (our years are 70 or 80... if weeee have special mightiness... ) Btw 1983-84 would have been the biggie years to make the generation teaching work... sort of the ultimate carrot for people to get back in past the 1975 fiasco.

    By 1994 even if you were born in 1914 you'd be 80... time to scratch the generation idea, but is the 1994 spike a subconscious nod at the generation teaching?

    Why again in 2004? A subconscious nod at the generation teaching?

    lol I got no answers, only questions

  • sspo

    I also know quite a few of the elders that don't beleive in 1914 but they continue on because

    they feel that they got no place to go and feel that the watchtower is still better than most of the other religion.

    Of course most don't want to lose family and freinds.

  • JH

    I wonder in 2014 if they will celebrate Jesus 100th anniversary as king

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