only part of meeting you enjoyed

by martinwellborne 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • llbh

    The end mostly .

    There were rarely any interesting speakers . As more uniformity was brought in they were more boring i felt patronised a lot of the time.

    Glad to be gone


  • Trevanian

    By far the best time was socializing - sometimes before, but usually after.

    The mating and dating, hooking up for the coming week.

    The primping and preening.

    The crushes, the devastations.

    Ah, those were the days, my friend.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    We say this in you name and your only begotten son Jesus Christ....Amen

  • MochaLatte

    One of my siblings and I came up with a tradition to keep us awake when we happened to be sitting together during particularly boring talks. We'd begin turning in our Bibles to scriptures having to do with sleep. We competed with each other to find the funniest scripture about someone falling asleep. A couple of our favorite Sleepy Scriptures were the one referring to Eutychus, who fell out of the window when Paul droned on and on during a boring talk, Isaiah 29:10a, "For upon you men Jehovah has poured a spirit of deep sleep, and he closes your eyes...", Daniel 8:18a, which reads, "And while he was yet speaking to me, I had become fast asleep on my face on the earth,"etc. It's amazing what extreme boredom will do and we silently giggled to ourselves through a number of talks, (which, I guess, did help us to stay awake). It was my hope that if anyone noticed us turning to scriptures when no one else was doing so they'd think we were doing some cross-referencing of our own. I'd have to say I DEFINITELY enjoyed those meetings. By the way we were both adults and Bethelites at the time.

  • leaving-jws

    I loved the kingdom melody breaks so I could go to the bathroom and talk to my friends

  • sweetface2233

    When the cute brother would get on the stage. LOVED when he was the WT reader...hee hee.

  • ex-nj-jw

    The part when we all said Amen and the damn thing was over


  • Finally-Free
  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Going to my car to check if it needs a service, are the tyres I need Water in the radiator or battery...does the ashtray need emptying..on my return my wife would ask "where were you" and I would tell her a little loudly, "Doing a BIG POO." She stopped asking.

  • NewYork44M


    I thought I was the only one who did that. The good ol days when I was a microphone passing teenager.

    The best part of meetings is not attending

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