Thoughts on Rush Limbaugh

by dawg 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    Though I tend to lean more toward the left, I used to listen to Rush quite often just to hear his thoughts on some current events in the news.

    However, in the past several years (especially after him coming out of rehab), I may tune him in for an hour every week or two ... that's about it.

    He used to be much more entertaining in my view. Now, he is just soooooo predictable with everything he says. Bush Good, Bush Good, Democrats Bad, Democrats Bad, etc etc etc.

    If Bush is planning to give a speech, you know exactly how Rush will respond the next day. If Bush read his speech backwards, Rush would still laud him for the great speech.

    Rush is just angry .... a very angry lonely man.

    Rub a Dub


    RubaDub said: "He used to be much more entertaining in my view. Now, he is just soooooo predictable with everything he says. Bush Good, Bush Good, Democrats Bad, Democrats Bad, etc etc etc."

    This is what caused me to move on from him. When Bush 43 did things that were not conservative, Limbaugh never said one word of criticism.

  • hillary_step


    Now as far as agreeing with Rush goes, I no longer consider myself a "dittohead". I haven't considered myself that in about 10 years. Though I still hold certain ideas that are certainly conservative, I have found myself becoming more libertarian than conservative. I do not think that I will ever become a liberal, as it is currently defined. However, I have found myself in agreement with much of Senator Obama's message, and if he wins the Democratic nomination, I will be voting for him. Quite a move for someone whose first ever vote was for Bush 41 over Bill Clinton.

    I have to say that you are not the first person on this Board to shift political opinion from one of almost fanatical vehemence to a more moderate position and I hope that in some way the debates that you were invloved in over the years has helped adjust your views in certain ways. I think what you wrote above is actually a very courageous statement and I congratulate you.

    Cheers - HS

  • 5go

    I've read all your posts... USC, and JC guy.. I like the the fact that we have conservatives out there, and there have certainly been some great, and I mean off the charts great conservative presidents...Ike is one of my all time favorites... he called out the military industrial complex long ago and he was right.

    You forgot Teddy.

  • worldtraveller

    I am supposed to be worried about FAUX news possibly not existing? Fortunately it's not available here in Canada on basic cable.

    We need conservative thinking. After all, what would Stewart be able talk about for 22 minutes a day?

  • worldtraveller

    Bush gets his speach impediments from Professor John Frink. M-hay-M-hay.

  • dawg

    I can't believe this got 80 posts..and world travler, I agree...John Stewart does need material...

    Yes, I did know Ike was raised a JW early in life, thank God he changed and kicked some German ass! Ike was one great Republican,and one damn great AMerican.

    USC, good to see that you're a ture conservative, I like some of their points, small government, balanced budgets, little government interference in our private lives.... now, why don't they live up to those principles?

  • beksbks

    Dawg , you KNOW those are just their talking points, in reality they mean nothing of the sort. It's like watching that prestidigitator in elementary school. The make you believe what you are seeing, but then you grow up.

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